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The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Christian White or search for Christian White in all documents.

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White slavery in London. A correspondent of the London Times, describing one of the great mantua-making establishments in that city, says. "Work is commenced every morning at seven o'clock, and continued till eleven at night — a period of sixteen hours, the only intervals allowed being about ten minutes for each meal — the total amount of time allowed for eating their food, I was going to say — but surely bolting it is the more appropriate phrase — being forty minutes per day, thus leaving fifteen hours and twenty minutes as the period devoted to work. And this, be it remembered, is not merely during the busy season, as at the West End, but for all the year round, from January to December; for you must understand that at the establishment to which I refer, the greater part of the sewing is given out to stop-workers in the busy season, and all that is done in doors is the original cutting-out and ultimate fitting together of the separate parts; but when the slack season c
ons. Etiquette and the Usages of Society, containing the most approved rules for correct deportment in fashionable life, &c. By Henry P. Willis. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald.--A small volume that may be carried in the pocket and may be of use to those who have any fashionable vanities.--For sale by Woodhouse & Co. Hide and Seek. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald.--Mr. Collins has gained quite a reputation among novelists of the day; especially for his "Woman in White." For sale by Woodhouse & Co. Where There's A Will There's A Way. By Alice B. Haven. New York: D. Appleton & Co.--The author of this story for young readers is better known to them as Cousin Alice, who has been much esteemed and quite popular amongst them. The little people are making a fine beginning for Christmas presents, and we do hope that in spite of the clouds that lower upon the country, there may be no interruption to their innocent joys on the approaching anniversary. Th