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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: January 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 1 total hit in 1 results.

An Incident of the Nineteenth Century--Romantic Elopement on an ox sled. --The Detroit Free Press relates the following, for the truth of which it vouches, but we don't: An ox team attached to a lumber sled, and bearing astride its cross-beams a coarse- grained young man and a buxom girl of about eighteen, Dragged its slow length along Larned street yesterday, and halted in front of Justice Purdy's office. The couple dismounted and entered the office, where they made known their wishes, and requested to be married immediately. The expectant bridegroom said he had come to town with a load of produce for his employer, who owned the team, and as Susan wanted to buy a kaliker dress, he had brought her along on the top of the bags. On the way in they had talked the matter over, and in view of the fact that they sorter liked each other, and had done considerable courtin' on the sly, concluded to get married. They declared themselves of age, and took the bonds for better or for wor