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sage of the bill, Mr. Walker demanded the previous question, which call was sustained. The vote on the bill was as follows. Yeas.--Messrs. Crutchfield, (Speaker,) Alderson, Anderson, Bailey, Ball, Ballard, Barbour, Baskerville, Bentley, Bisbie, Caperton, Carpenter, Carter, Chapman, Christian, Coleman, Duckwall, Edgington, Ferguson, Fleming, Frost, John T. Gibson, Grattan, Hanly, Harrison, Hackley, Hunter, Warner T. Jones, Kemper, Locke, Lockridge, Lucas, Magruder, Wm. Martin, Massie, Matthews, Maupin, McCamant, McCue, McDowell, McGruder, John R. Miller, Montague, Morgan, Myers, Newton, Orgain, Patterson, Preston, Rutherford, Saunders, Seddon, Sibert, Isaac N. Smith, Staples, Thompson, Tyler, Walker, Ward, Welch, Willcox, Witten, and Woolfolk--63. Nays.--Messrs. Arnold, Bassel, Bell, Booker, Brown, Burks, Cassin, Childs, Collier, Crane, Crump, Davis, Dickenson, Edwards, Ferrill, Friend, John Gilmer, C. H. Gilmer, Hoffman, Hopkins, Hunt, Leftwich, Lundy, Lynn, Mallory, Thomas
Port of Richmond,Feb. 23, 1861.High water this day (Friday) at 2½ o'clk. Arrived, Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, N. York, mdz. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Sailed, Schr. E. M. Perry, Sampson, Charleston, coal, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Julia Maine, Preston, Boston via Norfolk, mdz., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Judge Harrington, Shaw, Newport via Petersburg, mdz., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Andrew Armstrong, Matthews, down the river, light. Steamer Pocahon as, Travers, Baltimore, mdz. and passengers, D. & W. Currie. City Point, Feb. 20, 1861. Arrived, Steamer Yorktown, Parrish, Richmond. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Richmond. Steamer Virginia, Kelly, Richmond. Dan. ship Gustave & Marie, Capt. Johanneson, (60 days,) with cargo salt from Liverpool. Sailed, Steamer Yorktown, Parrish, New York. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore. Steamer Virginia, Kelly, Philadelphia.