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. Mr. Kemper said such a course was unnecessary, the Military Committee having reported a similar bill heretofore by unanimous vote. Mr. Gibson of Jefferson, denied the accuracy of the statement. He was a member of said committee, and had always been opposed to any such bill. Mr. Crane said the John Brown raid had initiated a system of solicitation for increased pay by a great many. The official duties of the Adjutant General had no doubt been much increased by Brown's inroad; for Gov. Wise, on his own responsibility, had given him nearly $1,000 additional pay. The committee then reported a bill making him a salaried officer, $2,000 per annum.) This bill proposes to pay him that salary for the years '58 and '59. It was a fact which alarmed him, that Virginia was fast becoming a military power, and he did not doubt that the gallant officers in command would soon be called on to march their forces against whom nobody could tell. An Ordnance Department had been created at the