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United States (United States) 62 0 Browse Search
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Wilson, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
stices of the county assembled at the Court-House yesterday afternoon and determined to appropriate $20,000 for the public defence. We also learn that the Banks of this place have determined to loan $100,000 to the Commissioners of the town of Wilmington, to be used for the same purpose, and that the Commissioners have accepted the proposition. There is a rumor in town that one of the up trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, containing troops for Virginia, in crossing a bridge near Wilson, produced such an effect that the engineer and passengers were induced to make an examination, when it was discovered that some cold blooded scoundrel had sawed one of the timbers of the trestle-work nearly or entirely through, and that it was barely sustained by the iron bolts on each side. Tracks were discovered at the spot, and dogs being procured they were traced to a house in the neighborhood, and a man (the report says) being found guilty, was hanged last night. Maryland. So
Nutal Rise (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 1
f Cadets now in your city. The instruction this company will receive from the Cadets who are retained at the Institute as a guard to the arms, &c., will be of essential service should they be called into the "tented field." An Artillery company was organized here to-day. Lieut. McCansland, one of the Assistant Professors at the Military Institute, was elected Captain, and Col. McLaughlin, J. B. Brockenbrough, Jr., and W. T. Poague, Lieutenants. Other companies are being formed: one at Natural Bridge; one in the Kerr's Creek region; one at Goshen Depot; one at Fairfield, and one at Brownsburg. The services of all these companies will be offered to our worthy Governor (of whom we are justly proud,) so soon as they can be uniformed and supplied with arms. The ladies of our town are working night and day on coats, pants, flannel shirts, and other articles necessary to the full equipment of these companies. Large and most liberal private subscriptions have been made by our citizens fo
Buchanan, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ded in 100 wagons to the railroad at Staunton, from there to be sent with dispatch to Richmond — the object being by this movement to have the flint locks on these muskets changed to percussion. Seven thousand pounds of powder have been removed from the Institute magazine, by order of Gen. Harper, and expressed by wagon to Winchester. This draft leaves near 20,000 arms, and 18,000 pounds of powder, together with other munitions of war, for further demands. A correspondent at Buchanan, Botetourt county, writes: Rumor having reached us that Abraham the 1st had called upon the different States for troops, and knowing that the object could be nothing less than a war upon the seceded States, our volunteer corps was summoned together, and immediate preparations were made to march at a moment's notice to the scene of action. A warlike spirit prevails in our midst, and the company (Mountain Rifles) has received a large addition to its ranks.--Patriotic speeches were made by Col. J
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
unes, and our sacred honor, to the maintenance of the rights of Virginia and the South. North Carolina. A Raleigh correspondent, writing on the 24th of April, gives us the following informatiobly in the present crisis. No man has a stronger hold upon the affections of the people of North Carolina at this time than John W. Ellis. The Council of State met here to-day, at the call of the G"Register" office, with fifteen stars, amid great enthusiasm. Adjutant General Hoke, of North Carolina, has issued an order, under the Governor's direction, for the enrollment of 30,000 volunteer is flashing all over the State. With regard to the seizure of the Fayette Arsenal by 2,200 North Carolina troops, the State Journal says: The United States officer in command of some sixty trot is confidently asserted that a requisition for aid has already been made upon Virginia and North Carolina by the proper authorities, and the origin of the statement is invested with an air of myster
United States (United States) (search for this): article 1
y: Having heard, with unfeigned delight, of the victory obtained by the forces of the Confederate States at Charleston over the troops of the Federal Government, and believing it to be the purpostates to subjection Therefore. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the Confederate States, and unanimously pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor, to the maintenance The Ellis Flying Artillery, about 75 men. They have elected Lieut. S. D. Ramseur, late of the U. S. A., Captain.--The Raleigh Riflemen, about 90 men. Our worthy Mayor, Wm. H. Harrison, Esq., has beeThe Governor is receiving offers of volunteers from all parts of the State. A flag of the Confederate States now waves over our State Capitol. Messrs. Syme & Hall raised one over the "Register" offiure of the Fayette Arsenal by 2,200 North Carolina troops, the State Journal says: The United States officer in command of some sixty troops, seeing the demonstration, at once surrendered. He
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
at it was barely sustained by the iron bolts on each side. Tracks were discovered at the spot, and dogs being procured they were traced to a house in the neighborhood, and a man (the report says) being found guilty, was hanged last night. Maryland. Some items of news, necessarily excluded yesterday, still possess interest. The following paragraphs are from the Baltimore American of Tuesday: It was extensively rumored yesterday evening that Col. John B. Magruder, for some time paey would pour into the city, with the delay of but a few hours at least. The military chiefs are believed to be laboring with much energy and determination in the arrangement and maturing of plans for the repulse of the Northern troops from Maryland. Intimation was this morning thrown out that the important work of fortifying the heights surrounding the city is to be commenced forthwith, and would be persecuted with every means at their disposal. Experienced engineers are said to be now e
Lancaster County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ators responded. Nearly every man present gave something, and many gave-large sums. The company will be ready in a few days and subject to the orders of the Governor. I have witnessed excitements of a political character and thought them intense; but never have seen anything to compare with the present, and the whole of this excitement is joyous. A similar feeling of enthusiasm pervades the Northern Neck of Virginia, as will be seen by the following extract of a letter from Lancaster county. At a company meeting of the Lancaster Grays, Wm. Henderson, Captain, a flag of the Southern Confederacy, 25 feet long and 12½ feet wide, was raised 225 feet high. Several patriotic, Southern speeches were delivered, and vociferous shouts of congratulation uttered. After drill, &c., the Grays assembled in business meeting, Capt. Henderson in the chair, and W. Henry Lee, Secretary; and on motion of Elias Edmonds, the following preamble and resolutions passed unanimously:
Abingdon, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
iasm prevailed throughout the meeting. While the above-mentioned subscription was being taken, a slave named Wilson Prince stepped up and gave a gold dollar to the cause, and desired to go with the company. A respected correspondent at Abingdon sends a highly encouraging account of the spirit pervading the Southwest. Some portion of the intelligence which he communicates having been anticipated, we copy only the following: The people of this county are fully awake to the dangers which environ our beloved Commonwealth, and are now almost a unit for secession. Five volunteer companies are now being organized; and we feel confident that Washington will furnish five hundred men under the first requisition. Abingdon will be nearly depopulated, so far as young men are concerned. There will not be more than half a dozen left ! All callings seem to be enlisting in the good cause of resistance. There are professional men, printers, mechanics, clerks, and men of no callin
Kerrs Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
The instruction this company will receive from the Cadets who are retained at the Institute as a guard to the arms, &c., will be of essential service should they be called into the "tented field." An Artillery company was organized here to-day. Lieut. McCansland, one of the Assistant Professors at the Military Institute, was elected Captain, and Col. McLaughlin, J. B. Brockenbrough, Jr., and W. T. Poague, Lieutenants. Other companies are being formed: one at Natural Bridge; one in the Kerr's Creek region; one at Goshen Depot; one at Fairfield, and one at Brownsburg. The services of all these companies will be offered to our worthy Governor (of whom we are justly proud,) so soon as they can be uniformed and supplied with arms. The ladies of our town are working night and day on coats, pants, flannel shirts, and other articles necessary to the full equipment of these companies. Large and most liberal private subscriptions have been made by our citizens for providing all needed sup
Fairfield, Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
the Cadets who are retained at the Institute as a guard to the arms, &c., will be of essential service should they be called into the "tented field." An Artillery company was organized here to-day. Lieut. McCansland, one of the Assistant Professors at the Military Institute, was elected Captain, and Col. McLaughlin, J. B. Brockenbrough, Jr., and W. T. Poague, Lieutenants. Other companies are being formed: one at Natural Bridge; one in the Kerr's Creek region; one at Goshen Depot; one at Fairfield, and one at Brownsburg. The services of all these companies will be offered to our worthy Governor (of whom we are justly proud,) so soon as they can be uniformed and supplied with arms. The ladies of our town are working night and day on coats, pants, flannel shirts, and other articles necessary to the full equipment of these companies. Large and most liberal private subscriptions have been made by our citizens for providing all needed supplies. A "Home Guard," consisting of sixty of
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