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Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): article 5
has been expended on militia field-days, on processions, Fourth of July demonstrations, and other proceedings equally showy and harmless. But something more has been demanded by the hot blood of the American youth. They leaped into the war with Mexico as if it were a relief from an intolerable tedium. It has required considerable judgment and forbearance to prevent a collision with Great Britain on several senseless disputes. Now, however, there is employment for every unquiet spirit. The Sin mass may be expected among the population of the South, who are easily made into soldiers, and who, from the skill with the rifle, must always be formidable antagonists. President Davis, who fought at the head of the Mississippi volunteers in Mexico, will probably take the command. He was, we believe, originally educated for the army, though he subsequently abandoned the military calling for law and politics. The points at which attacks might be made by the Federal Government were being st
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 5
accomplished. Should this be the case, the others must eventually follow. Though there is a large non-slaveholding element both in Virginia and Kentucky, yet the owners form the most powerful class, and the passions of the multitude have been everywhere roused against President Lincoln as an assailant of the rights of the South. Without giving implicit credit to all that is reported by telegraph, there is evidence enough to show that a large body of the people in Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri will take up arms in defence of the Confederate States. Gen. Pillow had arrived at Montgomery to offer President Davis a division of Tennessee troops. The martial excitement once begun will certainly spread, seize all minds, and at no distant date carry these States out of the Union. Had the Border States, however, even remained firm, it would have been a difficult task for Mr. Lincoln to carry on such a war as he meditates. A march from the North through the States of Virginia and N
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 5
ill take up arms in defence of the Confederate States. Gen. Pillow had arrived at Montgomery to offer President Davis a division of Tennessee troops. The martial excitement once begun will certainly spread, seize all minds, and at no distant date carry these States out of the Union. Had the Border States, however, even remained firm, it would have been a difficult task for Mr. Lincoln to carry on such a war as he meditates. A march from the North through the States of Virginia and North Carolina to Charleston seems an enterprise beyond the powers of the Federal forces. The country would be almost that of an enemy, for the sympathies of the slave-owners would be everywhere with their Southern friends.--It is difficult to conceive that this project has ever been entertained. We must believe that expeditions by sea are the means by which the President intends to bring the rebels to obedience. Now, operations of this kind are not only very difficult in the face of a strong and re
New England (United States) (search for this): article 5
urvive a calm examination of the coming campaign, are other questions. For the present, there is an earnest desire in the Northern States to avenge the capture of Fort Sumter. The President's appeal has been responded to in every quarter. The feeling in New York city was so strong at the departure of the last steamer, that the Herald, which has been throughout these troubles practically a Southern print, was forced to turn completely round and applaud the policy of the Government. The New England States and those of the West were also said to be zealous in the cause of the Union. Troops were being mustered in the leading towns and made ready to march for the defence of Washington, it not for the invasion of the Southern States. This outburst of loyalty may be attributed not a little to the restless character of the people. Year after year the military ardor of the Americans has been expended on militia field-days, on processions, Fourth of July demonstrations, and other proceed
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 5
ave been everywhere roused against President Lincoln as an assailant of the rights of the South. Without giving implicit credit to all that is reported by telegraph, there is evidence enough to show that a large body of the people in Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri will take up arms in defence of the Confederate States. Gen. Pillow had arrived at Montgomery to offer President Davis a division of Tennessee troops. The martial excitement once begun will certainly spread, seize all minds, and aTennessee troops. The martial excitement once begun will certainly spread, seize all minds, and at no distant date carry these States out of the Union. Had the Border States, however, even remained firm, it would have been a difficult task for Mr. Lincoln to carry on such a war as he meditates. A march from the North through the States of Virginia and North Carolina to Charleston seems an enterprise beyond the powers of the Federal forces. The country would be almost that of an enemy, for the sympathies of the slave-owners would be everywhere with their Southern friends.--It is diff
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 5
t a little to the restless character of the people. Year after year the military ardor of the Americans has been expended on militia field-days, on processions, Fourth of July demonstrations, and other proceedings equally showy and harmless. But something more has been demanded by the hot blood of the American youth. They leaped into the war with Mexico as if it were a relief from an intolerable tedium. It has required considerable judgment and forbearance to prevent a collision with Great Britain on several senseless disputes. Now, however, there is employment for every unquiet spirit. The Southerners have within a few hours come to be looked upon as enemies, against whom a crusade is meritorious. Even in New York, which has been called with some justice a Southern city, where the productions of the South are dealt in more than in the Southern cities themselves, where the slave traders are said to congregate, and where the party of Mr. Lincoln was small and weak a few months b
United States (United States) (search for this): article 5
be conquered and held by the victors. But the intelligence which reaches us from the South seems to show that the Confederate States are equally determined on maintaining their independence. The ardor of New York, or even Boston, cannot be greaterinroads of Northern, and even of Abolitionist bands.--Therefore, though we have not such detailed accounts from the Confederate States, yet, from what we are able to publish to-day, it is easy to see that the enthusiasm in the North was more than equmilitary ardor was very high.--In fact, as far as can be judged from the somewhat scanty intelligence received, the Confederate States were preparing to defend themselves to the last, declaring that their right to secede from the Union is as clear asugh to show that a large body of the people in Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri will take up arms in defence of the Confederate States. Gen. Pillow had arrived at Montgomery to offer President Davis a division of Tennessee troops. The martial excite
Abe Lincoln (search for this): article 5
the slave traders are said to congregate, and where the party of Mr. Lincoln was small and weak a few months back, all traditions, all intere lasting struggle may possibly be begun. The States faithful to Mr. Lincoln have now accepted the doctrine that secession is treason, and thhat as long as they, the Secessionists, refuse to acknowledge President Lincoln, acts of hostility must take place between the two sections —r accurately, but the present telegraphic dispatches announce that Lincoln's Proclamation had been met by defiance, as general as the enthusipassions of the multitude have been everywhere roused against President Lincoln as an assailant of the rights of the South. Without giving iver, even remained firm, it would have been a difficult task for Mr. Lincoln to carry on such a war as he meditates. A march from the North the side of the Unionists, yet the damages of an offensive war are so great that President Lincoln may even now well hesitate to begin it.
Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 5
, as general as the enthusiasm of the North. Something like a levy in mass may be expected among the population of the South, who are easily made into soldiers, and who, from the skill with the rifle, must always be formidable antagonists. President Davis, who fought at the head of the Mississippi volunteers in Mexico, will probably take the command. He was, we believe, originally educated for the army, though he subsequently abandoned the military calling for law and politics. The points ato all that is reported by telegraph, there is evidence enough to show that a large body of the people in Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri will take up arms in defence of the Confederate States. Gen. Pillow had arrived at Montgomery to offer President Davis a division of Tennessee troops. The martial excitement once begun will certainly spread, seize all minds, and at no distant date carry these States out of the Union. Had the Border States, however, even remained firm, it would have bee
follow. Though there is a large non-slaveholding element both in Virginia and Kentucky, yet the owners form the most powerful class, and the passions of the multitude have been everywhere roused against President Lincoln as an assailant of the rights of the South. Without giving implicit credit to all that is reported by telegraph, there is evidence enough to show that a large body of the people in Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri will take up arms in defence of the Confederate States. Gen. Pillow had arrived at Montgomery to offer President Davis a division of Tennessee troops. The martial excitement once begun will certainly spread, seize all minds, and at no distant date carry these States out of the Union. Had the Border States, however, even remained firm, it would have been a difficult task for Mr. Lincoln to carry on such a war as he meditates. A march from the North through the States of Virginia and North Carolina to Charleston seems an enterprise beyond the powers
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