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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
e resolution was laid on the table. The committee on time and place of next meeting reported, through Rev. S. Landrum, in favor of Friday before the second Sabbath in May, 1863--the place Columbus, Mississippi--preacher Rev. Wm. Williams, of S. C.; Alternate, Rev. J. L. Burrows, of Va. The report was laid on the table temporarily. Rev. George Bushyhead, a Cherokee Indian, was introduced by Rev. S. Landrum, and addressed the Convention in favor of his church and congregation in North Carolina. Rev. J. P. Boyce, of S. C., offered the following: Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed to consult with the Board of the Southern Baptist Publication Society as to the possibility of a Union of the Bible Board and that Society; and if a union be found practicable, which will not conflict in any way with the Constitution of the Convention or that Society, and which in their judgment will increase the efficiency of the Bible Board, the committee be dir
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 7
solution was laid on the table. The committee on time and place of next meeting reported, through Rev. S. Landrum, in favor of Friday before the second Sabbath in May, 1863--the place Columbus, Mississippi--preacher Rev. Wm. Williams, of S. C.; Alternate, Rev. J. L. Burrows, of Va. The report was laid on the table temporarily. Rev. George Bushyhead, a Cherokee Indian, was introduced by Rev. S. Landrum, and addressed the Convention in favor of his church and congregation in North Carolina. Rev. J. P. Boyce, of S. C., offered the following: Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed to consult with the Board of the Southern Baptist Publication Society as to the possibility of a Union of the Bible Board and that Society; and if a union be found practicable, which will not conflict in any way with the Constitution of the Convention or that Society, and which in their judgment will increase the efficiency of the Bible Board, the committee be directed
Marion, Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 7
. Samson, D. C.; J. E. Broome, Fla.; F. Courtney, La.; J. B. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; A. M. Poindexter, Corresponding Secretary; Edwin Wortham, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gwathmey, Recording Secretary; C. T. Wortham, Auditor, Board of Managers; R. Ryland. Wellington Goddin, C. H. Winston, E. J. Willis, J. S. Coleman, A. P. Fox, J. B. Wood, A. Snead, F. J. Barnes, L. W. Seely, H. K. Ellyson, D. Shaver, J. B. Solomon, Jesse F. Keesee, A. G. Wortham. Domestic Mission Board, located at Marion, Alabama.--W. H. McIntosh, President. Vice Presidents; F. Wilson, Md.; T. G. Keen, Va.; W. Hooper, N. C.; J. R. Kendrick, S. C.; J. H. DeVotie, Ga.; P. H. Lundy, Ala.; T. C. Teasdale, Miss.; S. Houston, Texas; S. Halyburton, Ark.; Wm. Crowell, Mo.; D. R. Campbell, Ky.; J. M. Pendleton, Tenn.; T. U. Walter, D. C.; J. K. Mendenhall, Fla.; J. H. Low, La. R. Holman, Corresponding Secretary. M. T. Sumner, Financial Secretary. J. B. Lovelace, Recording Secretary, Wm. Hornbuckle, Treasurer. W. N. W
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 7
leton, Tenn.; T. U. Walter, D. C.; J. K. Mendenhall, Fla.; J. H. Low, La. R. Holman, Corresponding Secretary. M. T. Sumner, Financial Secretary. J. B. Lovelace, Recording Secretary, Wm. Hornbuckle, Treasurer. W. N. Wyatt, Auditor. Board of Managers: E. D. King, J. F. Bailey, L. B. Lane, W. P. Holman, S. R. Freeman, E. A. Blunt, J. Billingsley, J. G. Huckabee, J. T. Barron, A. B. Goodhue, S. H. Fowlkes, W. P. Chilton, D. G. Sherman, L. C. Tutt, John Moore. Bible Board, located in Nashville, Tenn.--Vice Presidents: J. W. M. Williams, Md.; Iveson C. Brookes, S. C.; B. Manly, Ala.; D. Hickman, Mo.; W. H. Bayliss, Texas; Nat. G. Smith, Ark.; C. D. Mallory, Ga.; Mat. Hillsman, Tenn.; B. Egan, La.; W. B. Caldwell, Ky.; T. D. Coleman, Va.; L. H. Milliken, Miss.; J. L. Pritchard, N. C.; L. W. Allen, Corresponding Secretary; A. Nelson, Recording Secretary; C. A. Fuller, Treasurer. Board of Managers: W. L. Murfree, J. D. Winston, S. M. Scott, C. K. Winston, W. B. Bang, W. P. Jones, A. C.
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 7
Southern Baptist Convention. The following embraces all the business of importance transacted on Saturday last, the second day of the session, at Savannah, Ga.: Rev. E. B. Teague presented the report of the Committee on Indian Schools, favoring the establishment of schools among the red men of the West, which was adopted. The Committee on New Boards reported through their chairman, Rev. Geo. B. Taylor, as follows: Foreign Mission Board, located in Richmond, Va.--J. B. Jeter, President. Vice Presidents; Wm. Crane, Md.; J. L. Burrows, Va.; T. E. Skinner, N. C.; J. C. Furman, S. C.; H. A. Tupper, Ga.; L. B. Lane, Ala.; J. H. Martin, Miss.; R. C. Burleson, Texas; P. S. G. Watson, Ark.; J. E. Welch, Mo.; A. D. Sears, Ky.; M. Hillsman, Tenn.; G. W. Samson, D. C.; J. E. Broome, Fla.; F. Courtney, La.; J. B. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; A. M. Poindexter, Corresponding Secretary; Edwin Wortham, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gwathmey, Recording Secretary; C. T. Wortham, Auditor,
William Hornbuckle (search for this): article 7
on Board, located at Marion, Alabama.--W. H. McIntosh, President. Vice Presidents; F. Wilson, Md.; T. G. Keen, Va.; W. Hooper, N. C.; J. R. Kendrick, S. C.; J. H. DeVotie, Ga.; P. H. Lundy, Ala.; T. C. Teasdale, Miss.; S. Houston, Texas; S. Halyburton, Ark.; Wm. Crowell, Mo.; D. R. Campbell, Ky.; J. M. Pendleton, Tenn.; T. U. Walter, D. C.; J. K. Mendenhall, Fla.; J. H. Low, La. R. Holman, Corresponding Secretary. M. T. Sumner, Financial Secretary. J. B. Lovelace, Recording Secretary, Wm. Hornbuckle, Treasurer. W. N. Wyatt, Auditor. Board of Managers: E. D. King, J. F. Bailey, L. B. Lane, W. P. Holman, S. R. Freeman, E. A. Blunt, J. Billingsley, J. G. Huckabee, J. T. Barron, A. B. Goodhue, S. H. Fowlkes, W. P. Chilton, D. G. Sherman, L. C. Tutt, John Moore. Bible Board, located in Nashville, Tenn.--Vice Presidents: J. W. M. Williams, Md.; Iveson C. Brookes, S. C.; B. Manly, Ala.; D. Hickman, Mo.; W. H. Bayliss, Texas; Nat. G. Smith, Ark.; C. D. Mallory, Ga.; Mat. Hillsman, Ten
J. B. Wood (search for this): article 7
H. A. Tupper, Ga.; L. B. Lane, Ala.; J. H. Martin, Miss.; R. C. Burleson, Texas; P. S. G. Watson, Ark.; J. E. Welch, Mo.; A. D. Sears, Ky.; M. Hillsman, Tenn.; G. W. Samson, D. C.; J. E. Broome, Fla.; F. Courtney, La.; J. B. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; A. M. Poindexter, Corresponding Secretary; Edwin Wortham, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gwathmey, Recording Secretary; C. T. Wortham, Auditor, Board of Managers; R. Ryland. Wellington Goddin, C. H. Winston, E. J. Willis, J. S. Coleman, A. P. Fox, J. B. Wood, A. Snead, F. J. Barnes, L. W. Seely, H. K. Ellyson, D. Shaver, J. B. Solomon, Jesse F. Keesee, A. G. Wortham. Domestic Mission Board, located at Marion, Alabama.--W. H. McIntosh, President. Vice Presidents; F. Wilson, Md.; T. G. Keen, Va.; W. Hooper, N. C.; J. R. Kendrick, S. C.; J. H. DeVotie, Ga.; P. H. Lundy, Ala.; T. C. Teasdale, Miss.; S. Houston, Texas; S. Halyburton, Ark.; Wm. Crowell, Mo.; D. R. Campbell, Ky.; J. M. Pendleton, Tenn.; T. U. Walter, D. C.; J. K. Mendenhall, Fl
A. D. Sears (search for this): article 7
Schools, favoring the establishment of schools among the red men of the West, which was adopted. The Committee on New Boards reported through their chairman, Rev. Geo. B. Taylor, as follows: Foreign Mission Board, located in Richmond, Va.--J. B. Jeter, President. Vice Presidents; Wm. Crane, Md.; J. L. Burrows, Va.; T. E. Skinner, N. C.; J. C. Furman, S. C.; H. A. Tupper, Ga.; L. B. Lane, Ala.; J. H. Martin, Miss.; R. C. Burleson, Texas; P. S. G. Watson, Ark.; J. E. Welch, Mo.; A. D. Sears, Ky.; M. Hillsman, Tenn.; G. W. Samson, D. C.; J. E. Broome, Fla.; F. Courtney, La.; J. B. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; A. M. Poindexter, Corresponding Secretary; Edwin Wortham, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gwathmey, Recording Secretary; C. T. Wortham, Auditor, Board of Managers; R. Ryland. Wellington Goddin, C. H. Winston, E. J. Willis, J. S. Coleman, A. P. Fox, J. B. Wood, A. Snead, F. J. Barnes, L. W. Seely, H. K. Ellyson, D. Shaver, J. B. Solomon, Jesse F. Keesee, A. G. Wortham. Domest
E. B. Teague (search for this): article 7
Southern Baptist Convention. The following embraces all the business of importance transacted on Saturday last, the second day of the session, at Savannah, Ga.: Rev. E. B. Teague presented the report of the Committee on Indian Schools, favoring the establishment of schools among the red men of the West, which was adopted. The Committee on New Boards reported through their chairman, Rev. Geo. B. Taylor, as follows: Foreign Mission Board, located in Richmond, Va.--J. B. Jeter, President. Vice Presidents; Wm. Crane, Md.; J. L. Burrows, Va.; T. E. Skinner, N. C.; J. C. Furman, S. C.; H. A. Tupper, Ga.; L. B. Lane, Ala.; J. H. Martin, Miss.; R. C. Burleson, Texas; P. S. G. Watson, Ark.; J. E. Welch, Mo.; A. D. Sears, Ky.; M. Hillsman, Tenn.; G. W. Samson, D. C.; J. E. Broome, Fla.; F. Courtney, La.; J. B. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; A. M. Poindexter, Corresponding Secretary; Edwin Wortham, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gwathmey, Recording Secretary; C. T. Wortham, Auditor,
P. S. G. Watson (search for this): article 7
the report of the Committee on Indian Schools, favoring the establishment of schools among the red men of the West, which was adopted. The Committee on New Boards reported through their chairman, Rev. Geo. B. Taylor, as follows: Foreign Mission Board, located in Richmond, Va.--J. B. Jeter, President. Vice Presidents; Wm. Crane, Md.; J. L. Burrows, Va.; T. E. Skinner, N. C.; J. C. Furman, S. C.; H. A. Tupper, Ga.; L. B. Lane, Ala.; J. H. Martin, Miss.; R. C. Burleson, Texas; P. S. G. Watson, Ark.; J. E. Welch, Mo.; A. D. Sears, Ky.; M. Hillsman, Tenn.; G. W. Samson, D. C.; J. E. Broome, Fla.; F. Courtney, La.; J. B. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; A. M. Poindexter, Corresponding Secretary; Edwin Wortham, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gwathmey, Recording Secretary; C. T. Wortham, Auditor, Board of Managers; R. Ryland. Wellington Goddin, C. H. Winston, E. J. Willis, J. S. Coleman, A. P. Fox, J. B. Wood, A. Snead, F. J. Barnes, L. W. Seely, H. K. Ellyson, D. Shaver, J. B. Solomon, Jess
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