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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1860., [Electronic resource].

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January 4th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 1
-The Governor of Mississippi has appointed Commissioners to South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee and Louisiana. Proclamation of the President. Numerous appeals have been made to me by pious and patriotic associations and citizens, in view of the present distracted and dangerous condition of our country, to recommend that a day be set apart for Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer throughout the Union. In compliance with their request, and my own sense of duty, I designate Friday, the 4th day of January, 1861, for this purpose, and recommend that the people assemble on that day, according to their several forms of worship, to keep it as a solemn Fast. The Union of the States is at the present moment threatened with alarming and immediate danger — panic and distress of a fearful character prevail throughout the land — our laboring population are without employment, and consequently deprived of the means of earning their bread — indeed, hope seems to have deserted the minds of m<
Lewis T. Wigfall (search for this): article 1
f Ga.; James Jackson, of Ga.; John J. Jones, of Ga.; Martin J. Crawford of Georgia; Alfred Iverson, U. S. Senator, Ga.; Geo. S. Hawkins, of Florida; T. C. Hindman, of Arkansas; Jeff. Davis, U. S. Senator, Miss.; A. G. Brown, U. S. Senator, Miss.; Wm. Barksdale, of Miss.; O. R. Singleton, of Miss.; Reuben Davis, of Miss.; Burton Craige, of North Carolina; Thos. Ruffin, of North Carolina; John Sildell, U. S. Senator, La., J. P. Benjamin, U. S. Senator, La.; Jno. M. Landrum, of Louisiana; Lewis T. Wigfall, U. S. Senator, Texas; John Hemphill, U. S. Senator, Texas; J. H. Reagan, of Texas; M. L. Honham, of S. C.; W. Porcher Miles, of S. C. John McQueen, of S. C.; John D. Ashmore, of S. C. Mr. Davis made the following statement to the caucus: Being a member of the Committee of Thirty-three, I state that the above witnessed dispatch was communicated to the committee this evening, and a resolution passed proposing no specific relief, eight Northern States dissenting, avowedly intend
J. W. Garnett (search for this): article 1
esignation of Secretary case--Attorney General Black to be his successor — address of Members from the cotton States to their Constituents — letter of Hon. Wm. C. Rived, &c. Gov. Moore, of Alabama, has appointed Commissioners to proceed to the Southern States for the purpose of "conferring with them upon the condition of the country and the policy of the South in the present emergency." The Commissioners, as far as appointed, are A. F. Hopkins and F. M. Gilmer, Jr. to Virginia; J. W. Garnett to North Carolina; L. P. Walker to Tennessee; John A. Elmore to South Carolina; Stephen E. Hale to Kentucky, John A. Winston to Arkansas, and E. W. Pettus to Mississippi. Hon. Jere Clemens, of Ala., has written a letter in favor of a Convention of Southern States to state their demands to the North. He opposes separate State action. A letter from Friars' Point, Mississippi, says that the Vigilance Committee have hanged three carpenters for inciting the slaves to rebellion. Other North
F. M. Gilmer (search for this): article 1
lamation by the President — resignation of Secretary case--Attorney General Black to be his successor — address of Members from the cotton States to their Constituents — letter of Hon. Wm. C. Rived, &c. Gov. Moore, of Alabama, has appointed Commissioners to proceed to the Southern States for the purpose of "conferring with them upon the condition of the country and the policy of the South in the present emergency." The Commissioners, as far as appointed, are A. F. Hopkins and F. M. Gilmer, Jr. to Virginia; J. W. Garnett to North Carolina; L. P. Walker to Tennessee; John A. Elmore to South Carolina; Stephen E. Hale to Kentucky, John A. Winston to Arkansas, and E. W. Pettus to Mississippi. Hon. Jere Clemens, of Ala., has written a letter in favor of a Convention of Southern States to state their demands to the North. He opposes separate State action. A letter from Friars' Point, Mississippi, says that the Vigilance Committee have hanged three carpenters for inciting the slav<
New York Saturday (search for this): article 1
rolina; Stephen E. Hale to Kentucky, John A. Winston to Arkansas, and E. W. Pettus to Mississippi. Hon. Jere Clemens, of Ala., has written a letter in favor of a Convention of Southern States to state their demands to the North. He opposes separate State action. A letter from Friars' Point, Mississippi, says that the Vigilance Committee have hanged three carpenters for inciting the slaves to rebellion. Other Northerners were shipped. The steamer Marion returned twelve passengers to New York Saturday, by order of the Charleston authorities.--The Governor of Mississippi has appointed Commissioners to South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee and Louisiana. Proclamation of the President. Numerous appeals have been made to me by pious and patriotic associations and citizens, in view of the present distracted and dangerous condition of our country, to recommend that a day be set apart for Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer throughout the Union. In compliance with their request, and my
William C. Rived (search for this): article 1
Secession movement at the South. proclamation by the President — resignation of Secretary case--Attorney General Black to be his successor — address of Members from the cotton States to their Constituents — letter of Hon. Wm. C. Rived, &c. Gov. Moore, of Alabama, has appointed Commissioners to proceed to the Southern States for the purpose of "conferring with them upon the condition of the country and the policy of the South in the present emergency." The Commissioners, as far as appointed, are A. F. Hopkins and F. M. Gilmer, Jr. to Virginia; J. W. Garnett to North Carolina; L. P. Walker to Tennessee; John A. Elmore to South Carolina; Stephen E. Hale to Kentucky, John A. Winston to Arkansas, and E. W. Pettus to Mississippi. Hon. Jere Clemens, of Ala., has written a letter in favor of a Convention of Southern States to state their demands to the North. He opposes separate State action. A letter from Friars' Point, Mississippi, says that the Vigilance Committee hav<
Stephen E. Hale (search for this): article 1
rom the cotton States to their Constituents — letter of Hon. Wm. C. Rived, &c. Gov. Moore, of Alabama, has appointed Commissioners to proceed to the Southern States for the purpose of "conferring with them upon the condition of the country and the policy of the South in the present emergency." The Commissioners, as far as appointed, are A. F. Hopkins and F. M. Gilmer, Jr. to Virginia; J. W. Garnett to North Carolina; L. P. Walker to Tennessee; John A. Elmore to South Carolina; Stephen E. Hale to Kentucky, John A. Winston to Arkansas, and E. W. Pettus to Mississippi. Hon. Jere Clemens, of Ala., has written a letter in favor of a Convention of Southern States to state their demands to the North. He opposes separate State action. A letter from Friars' Point, Mississippi, says that the Vigilance Committee have hanged three carpenters for inciting the slaves to rebellion. Other Northerners were shipped. The steamer Marion returned twelve passengers to New York Saturday, by or
John Sildell (search for this): article 1
Moore, J. L. M. Curry, and J. A. Stallworth, of Ala.; J. W. H. Underwood, of Georgia, L. J. Gartrell, of Ga.; James Jackson, of Ga.; John J. Jones, of Ga.; Martin J. Crawford of Georgia; Alfred Iverson, U. S. Senator, Ga.; Geo. S. Hawkins, of Florida; T. C. Hindman, of Arkansas; Jeff. Davis, U. S. Senator, Miss.; A. G. Brown, U. S. Senator, Miss.; Wm. Barksdale, of Miss.; O. R. Singleton, of Miss.; Reuben Davis, of Miss.; Burton Craige, of North Carolina; Thos. Ruffin, of North Carolina; John Sildell, U. S. Senator, La., J. P. Benjamin, U. S. Senator, La.; Jno. M. Landrum, of Louisiana; Lewis T. Wigfall, U. S. Senator, Texas; John Hemphill, U. S. Senator, Texas; J. H. Reagan, of Texas; M. L. Honham, of S. C.; W. Porcher Miles, of S. C. John McQueen, of S. C.; John D. Ashmore, of S. C. Mr. Davis made the following statement to the caucus: Being a member of the Committee of Thirty-three, I state that the above witnessed dispatch was communicated to the committee this evening,
Jonathan M. Landrum (search for this): article 1
, of Georgia, L. J. Gartrell, of Ga.; James Jackson, of Ga.; John J. Jones, of Ga.; Martin J. Crawford of Georgia; Alfred Iverson, U. S. Senator, Ga.; Geo. S. Hawkins, of Florida; T. C. Hindman, of Arkansas; Jeff. Davis, U. S. Senator, Miss.; A. G. Brown, U. S. Senator, Miss.; Wm. Barksdale, of Miss.; O. R. Singleton, of Miss.; Reuben Davis, of Miss.; Burton Craige, of North Carolina; Thos. Ruffin, of North Carolina; John Sildell, U. S. Senator, La., J. P. Benjamin, U. S. Senator, La.; Jno. M. Landrum, of Louisiana; Lewis T. Wigfall, U. S. Senator, Texas; John Hemphill, U. S. Senator, Texas; J. H. Reagan, of Texas; M. L. Honham, of S. C.; W. Porcher Miles, of S. C. John McQueen, of S. C.; John D. Ashmore, of S. C. Mr. Davis made the following statement to the caucus: Being a member of the Committee of Thirty-three, I state that the above witnessed dispatch was communicated to the committee this evening, and a resolution passed proposing no specific relief, eight Northern St
M. L. Honham (search for this): article 1
U. S. Senator, Ga.; Geo. S. Hawkins, of Florida; T. C. Hindman, of Arkansas; Jeff. Davis, U. S. Senator, Miss.; A. G. Brown, U. S. Senator, Miss.; Wm. Barksdale, of Miss.; O. R. Singleton, of Miss.; Reuben Davis, of Miss.; Burton Craige, of North Carolina; Thos. Ruffin, of North Carolina; John Sildell, U. S. Senator, La., J. P. Benjamin, U. S. Senator, La.; Jno. M. Landrum, of Louisiana; Lewis T. Wigfall, U. S. Senator, Texas; John Hemphill, U. S. Senator, Texas; J. H. Reagan, of Texas; M. L. Honham, of S. C.; W. Porcher Miles, of S. C. John McQueen, of S. C.; John D. Ashmore, of S. C. Mr. Davis made the following statement to the caucus: Being a member of the Committee of Thirty-three, I state that the above witnessed dispatch was communicated to the committee this evening, and a resolution passed proposing no specific relief, eight Northern States dissenting, avowedly intended to counteract the effect of the above dispatch, and, as I believe, to mislead the people of the
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