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The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1860., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dr Witt Clinton or search for Dr Witt Clinton in all documents.

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n party. He is a polished scholar, his orations are elaborately prepared by the midnight oil, and he is a cunning and subtle party leader. But this is all. In an unpremeditated discussion on the floor of the Senate, there are few Southern debaters who do not carry too many guns for the cut and dry Auburn oratory and in a legal grapple at the New York bar, with such giants as O'Connor, be would not have a whole bone left in his body. When we speak of a New York statesman, the image of Dr Witt Clinton rises to our mind, the man whose genius created that New York which Wm H Seward. the demagogue and destructionist, has done his best to annihilate. It is mainly by availing themselves, like Seward, of all sorts of popular hobbies, to ride into power, that his followers have made themselves prominent and notorious, whilst men of real merit and integrity have not been heard of, because they were industriously pursuing their various honest vocations in peace and quiet. If these latter ha