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The Daily Dispatch: June 26, 1861., [Electronic resource] 7 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 26, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Alouzo E. Kimball or search for Alouzo E. Kimball in all documents.

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ers at Fortress Monroe, their stories were so contradictory that Gen. Butler had them imprisoned as spies: Private Alouzo E. Kimball and George B. Hemstead, of the Macon (Ga.) Volunteers, deserted on yesterday and escaped by a small boat to the U. S. steamer Anacostia, the commander of which took them up. Kimball was a native of New Hampshire, and Hempsted a native of Connecticut. Kimball went off after having borrowed both money and clothes from members of my company. He also stolKimball went off after having borrowed both money and clothes from members of my company. He also stole a pistol from one of the non-commissioned officers of the corps. He is both a rogue and a deserter. Hempsted, previous to his desertion, had always borne an unblemished reputation. He was doubtless influenced to desert by Kimball. Both of serter. Hempsted, previous to his desertion, had always borne an unblemished reputation. He was doubtless influenced to desert by Kimball. Both of these men voluntarily enlisted to serve the Confederate States for the term of twelve months.