Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wise or search for Wise in all documents.

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Appointment. --F. D. Cleary, Esq., has been appointed a Quartermaster and Captain in the Provisional Army. He is ordered to join Gen. Wise. His experience in the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments well qualities him for the position.
Military movements. Trenton, N. J., (via Augusta,) June 26. --The Governor has been ordered to send three regiments to Washington. Washington, June 26.--Intelligence from Hagerstown indicates that Gen. Wise has gone to attack the Federalists, who are reported advancing up the Kanawha. The Southern forces at Romney is 1500. Col. Jackson, with five regiments, is opposite Williamsport. There are 4000 at Falling Waters, five miles from Williamsport, and 8000 at various points between Hancock and Harper's Ferry. Williamsport, June 26.--A party of Confederate Cavalry crossed the Potomac and burned Schadfield's Ferry.