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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 2, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 9
The schooner Tropic Wind. --The following note from the British Consulate in this city will be read with interest by merchants and shippers: British Consulate, Richmond, July 1st, 1861. To the Editors of the Dispatch: For the benefit of the merchants and shippers by the British schooner Tropic Wind, lately seized by the blockading fleet in Hampton Roads, and sent as a price to Washington, I beg to state that official information has reached this office from the British Legation at Washington, which states that the Tropic Wind and her cargo have been released and given back to the charge of the master. I am, gentlemen, yours very truly, Fred. J. Cridland.
y the Hessians in the Revolutionary war. The same enemy, under a different form, seems lately to have been committing ravages on the wheat fields around Hampton, and in the neighborhood of Great Bethel. Some thought it was the army worm, but those who ought to know, say that General Butler's Hessians were the evil doers.--The farmers of the Peninsula have at last found both the cause and cure of the complaint; for when the question is asked, "What makes the Hessian fly?" the answer is, "Col. Magruder's masked battery." In examining the other day a history of the Mexican war, by the present General Mansfield, (now one of General Scott's right-hand men in Washington city,) I was struck with the following magniloquent laudation of General Scott after the battle of Churubusco: "Before the carnage of another battle, he must make a final effort to stay the iron arm of destruction and reclaim warring nations to the paths of peace. Hence his beautiful letter, expressing the Christian s
Mansfield (search for this): article 9
last found both the cause and cure of the complaint; for when the question is asked, "What makes the Hessian fly?" the answer is, "Col. Magruder's masked battery." In examining the other day a history of the Mexican war, by the present General Mansfield, (now one of General Scott's right-hand men in Washington city,) I was struck with the following magniloquent laudation of General Scott after the battle of Churubusco: "Before the carnage of another battle, he must make a final effort to srue to her highest obligations and benign requirements!" It would be interesting to reproduce the "beautiful letter" above alluded to. I might possibly suggest the inquiry whether this can be the same General Scott who, with this same toady General Mansfield by his side, is now directing an invasion of his native State, and outraging every principle of Christianity, (not to say of humanity,) by the character of the warfare he is waging. Did I not regard Gen. Scott as a monster of ingratitude a
battery." In examining the other day a history of the Mexican war, by the present General Mansfield, (now one of General Scott's right-hand men in Washington city,) I was struck with the following magniloquent laudation of General Scott after tGeneral Scott after the battle of Churubusco: "Before the carnage of another battle, he must make a final effort to stay the iron arm of destruction and reclaim warring nations to the paths of peace. Hence his beautiful letter, expressing the Christian sentiment, 'Enou reproduce the "beautiful letter" above alluded to. I might possibly suggest the inquiry whether this can be the same General Scott who, with this same toady General Mansfield by his side, is now directing an invasion of his native State, and outragry principle of Christianity, (not to say of humanity,) by the character of the warfare he is waging. Did I not regard Gen. Scott as a monster of ingratitude and deaf to all remonstrance, I would like to ask him, "Has not enough blood been shed in t
n. The wheat harvest is now in progress, and promises a good yield, though there is some complaint of the smut. This reminds me of an old enemy to wheat (the Hessian fly,) which is thought to have been introduced by the Hessians in the Revolutionary war. The same enemy, under a different form, seems lately to have been committing ravages on the wheat fields around Hampton, and in the neighborhood of Great Bethel. Some thought it was the army worm, but those who ought to know, say that General Butler's Hessians were the evil doers.--The farmers of the Peninsula have at last found both the cause and cure of the complaint; for when the question is asked, "What makes the Hessian fly?" the answer is, "Col. Magruder's masked battery." In examining the other day a history of the Mexican war, by the present General Mansfield, (now one of General Scott's right-hand men in Washington city,) I was struck with the following magniloquent laudation of General Scott after the battle of Churub
June 29th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 9
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.departure of "Dixie Greys"--crops--"What makes the Hessian Fly?" Salem, Va., June 29, 1861. Our fourth volunteer company, the "Dixie Greys," commanded by Captain A. J. Deyule, left us yesterday morning to rendezvous at Lynchburg. The larger counties may send more soldiers into the service than "Little Roanoke," but I will venture to say that none have sent better ones. The "Dixie Greys" number seventy-four rank and file, and I engage for them that they will do their full share in defending the Old Dominion from the invasion of Old Abe and his Lieutenant General. In this county the weather has been very dry for several weeks, which has affected the growing crop of corn to some extent, and I am afraid will seriously affect the oat crop, though it has enabled the farmers to secure an unusual amount of hay.--In this, as in many other productions, Virginia ought to be wholly independent of Yadkeedom, and I hope to see a great deal of
A. J. Deyule (search for this): article 9
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.departure of "Dixie Greys"--crops--"What makes the Hessian Fly?" Salem, Va., June 29, 1861. Our fourth volunteer company, the "Dixie Greys," commanded by Captain A. J. Deyule, left us yesterday morning to rendezvous at Lynchburg. The larger counties may send more soldiers into the service than "Little Roanoke," but I will venture to say that none have sent better ones. The "Dixie Greys" number seventy-four rank and file, and I engage for them that they will do their full share in defending the Old Dominion from the invasion of Old Abe and his Lieutenant General. In this county the weather has been very dry for several weeks, which has affected the growing crop of corn to some extent, and I am afraid will seriously affect the oat crop, though it has enabled the farmers to secure an unusual amount of hay.--In this, as in many other productions, Virginia ought to be wholly independent of Yadkeedom, and I hope to see a great deal of
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 9
these few have been nindered by the dry weather, so that this fine tobacco region will not furnish much of the weed this season. The wheat harvest is now in progress, and promises a good yield, though there is some complaint of the smut. This reminds me of an old enemy to wheat (the Hessian fly,) which is thought to have been introduced by the Hessians in the Revolutionary war. The same enemy, under a different form, seems lately to have been committing ravages on the wheat fields around Hampton, and in the neighborhood of Great Bethel. Some thought it was the army worm, but those who ought to know, say that General Butler's Hessians were the evil doers.--The farmers of the Peninsula have at last found both the cause and cure of the complaint; for when the question is asked, "What makes the Hessian fly?" the answer is, "Col. Magruder's masked battery." In examining the other day a history of the Mexican war, by the present General Mansfield, (now one of General Scott's right-
Washington (United States) (search for this): article 9
ghborhood of Great Bethel. Some thought it was the army worm, but those who ought to know, say that General Butler's Hessians were the evil doers.--The farmers of the Peninsula have at last found both the cause and cure of the complaint; for when the question is asked, "What makes the Hessian fly?" the answer is, "Col. Magruder's masked battery." In examining the other day a history of the Mexican war, by the present General Mansfield, (now one of General Scott's right-hand men in Washington city,) I was struck with the following magniloquent laudation of General Scott after the battle of Churubusco: "Before the carnage of another battle, he must make a final effort to stay the iron arm of destruction and reclaim warring nations to the paths of peace. Hence his beautiful letter, expressing the Christian sentiment, 'Enough blood has been shed in this unnatural war.' When the echo of the cannon shall have died away, and the clangor of arms shall have ceased; when the steeled warr
Churubusco (New York, United States) (search for this): article 9
l Butler's Hessians were the evil doers.--The farmers of the Peninsula have at last found both the cause and cure of the complaint; for when the question is asked, "What makes the Hessian fly?" the answer is, "Col. Magruder's masked battery." In examining the other day a history of the Mexican war, by the present General Mansfield, (now one of General Scott's right-hand men in Washington city,) I was struck with the following magniloquent laudation of General Scott after the battle of Churubusco: "Before the carnage of another battle, he must make a final effort to stay the iron arm of destruction and reclaim warring nations to the paths of peace. Hence his beautiful letter, expressing the Christian sentiment, 'Enough blood has been shed in this unnatural war.' When the echo of the cannon shall have died away, and the clangor of arms shall have ceased; when the steeled warrior shall have gone to his rest, and the conqueror and the conquered shall lie down together, Christianity w
... 41 42 43 44 45 46