Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Scott or search for Scott in all documents.

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General Scott--his --an Clergy on the same. the renowned Fuss and Feathers General repudiates the advice of Mr. Jones. The and th Aberdean, Miss., May 7th, and Aug. 23d, 1861. General Scott:--A few weeks since I wrote to you gratuitously giving you some the song to suit your case. N. B. Jones. Song on Gen. Scott. Tune: Poor old Horse, let Him Die. Virginia had a son Who gather pray-- Then, sick him out of sight, And let Virginia say, Poor old Scott, let him die. The sound of his war whoop No one again will near;nd with the mud, Then be old dog, Or be his ward or sud; Poor old Scott, let him die. I had rather be a dog, And say the stars and moon;have a be a frog, With a dungeon for my doom, Than to the poor old Scott, To traitor's grave, And there in Without a to have; Poor old Sc a dungeon for my doom, Than to the poor old Scott, To traitor's grave, And there in Without a to have; Poor old Scott, let him die.
th stealing meat from John C. Knauff, was sentenced to receive thirty lashes.--Albert, slave in the service of the Virginia Central Railroad Company, who had been found in possession of a lot of clothing, shoes, a razor, and other articles, and who was unable to prove that he came by them in a lawful manner, was ordered to receive thirty stripes, and the goods were turned over to officer Bowles for safe keeping until the owner be found.--William Kennedy, charged with assault and battery upon Scott, a slave of Thomas G. Bell, was required to give bail in the sum of fifty dollars for his future good behavior.--Alexander Glenn, a negro claiming to be free, and to be a resident of Chesterfield, and charged with throwing stones in the street, was sentenced to be whipped, and committed to jail until he should produce his free papers.--Fannie Taylor was brought up on the charge of being drunk and disorderly in the streets and disturbing her neighbors. Her case was continued to Wednesday.--L
Smyth county, Va., has organized three more companies of volunteers, making in all. It is reported that Gen. Scott took the oath lander and out of a larger than over on receiving the news from Missouri.