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The Daily Dispatch: September 3, 1861., [Electronic resource] 5 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for L. Virginia Smith or search for L. Virginia Smith in all documents.

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ed — we believe the day after — while Mr. (now Captain) Walker was passing down Main street on his way to the York River Railroad, to take the cars for New Kent, where he resided at the time, he was met by his old preceptor and constant friend, Col. Smith, of the Military Institute, who told him that Governor Letcher wished to see him upon business of great importance. Mr. W. immediately repaired to the Government House, where he found. the Governor anxiously awaiting his appearance. He opened his business at once; told him that he wanted some well qualified person to raise a company of artillery and go at once to the Potomac; that he (W.) had been recommended by Col. Smith as the "very man" for the place; and that he had sent for him to make him an offer of it. Mr. Walker instantly accepted. The Governor asked him when he thought he could be off. "By the cars to-morrow morning," said he, although it was four o'clock in the evening, and he had not enlisted the first man. The first
Mrs. L. Virginia Smith, a lady of decidedly literary talent and reputation, has written a series of lectures, appropriated and relating to the times, which it is her intention to deliver through the principal cities in the South--the proceeds to be approximated to the purchase of winter clothing for the Confederate soldiers in Missouri. Mr. Henry Couch, of Russell county, Va., was engaged in the experiment of making gunpowder, on the 17th. By some means the mass of material became ignited, and he was burnt so severely that he died on the 10th, A. U. Tomlinson, of Remington, M. C. has put up a machine to run by steam to make shoe pegs, which the South has always heretofore been content to buy from the Yankees. The people of Tennessee were started by a heavy shock of an earthquake early on Friday morning last. George W. Bridges, of Tennessee, has been unconditionally released by General Zollis sooner,