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ri or Kentucky, or to Western Virginia; but, on the contrary, is continually removing forces from the West to strengthen its capital and increase its Pretonian Guard; so that, no matter what becomes of the Republic, the sacred persons of Lincoln, Scott, and McClellan, shall receive no detriment. The defence of Washington has completely paralyzed the strength of the North. If we take it, Lincoln's body guard of a hundred and fifty thousand will be at once available as a force wherewith to inva and advisable to "On to Washington," we have no doubt our army will march to the assault. Until then, we may quietly repose on the laurels which we have already won in many a field. Besides, if we are not advancing in the East we are advancing in the West, where there are no precious souls like Lincoln, Scott, and McClellan to be guarded and defended. On the whole, the war has everywhere been conducted with success and ability on our part, and we can see no room for complaint or repining.
eneral Lovell graduated at West Point in the class of 1842, with Generals G. W. Smith, Van-Dorn, Longstreet, Hill, (of Big Bethel fame,) Anderson, (who led the assault lately on Santa Rosa Island,) and with such other distinguished men of our army as Lay and McLaws. In the same class graduated Rosencranz, Pope, Doubleday, Sykes, and S. Williams, of the Northern army. General Lovell served through the whole of the Mexican war, part of the time with General Taylor and part of it with General Scott. He was there distinguished as a most gallant and skillful artillery officer, on the staff of General Quitman, who won fame as Adj't General of the division. While in New York, where he held office under Street Commissioner Smith, as Deputy, at a salary of $3.500 a year, he founded the city artillery company, of which he was commander until the secession of South Carolina, when he resigned, giving his reasons in a letter strongly secessionist. He has been since marked by the Northern