Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Caskie or search for Caskie in all documents.

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Hastings Court. --Recorder Caskie and Aldermen Sanxay, Hray, Binford, and Lipscomb presiding. The case of Albert Rush, a slave, on an appeal from the judgment of the Mayor, was continued to the next term of the Court. The charge upon which this negro was arrested is the larceny of coal from Wm. H. Davis. The proceedings against Mordecai Carnell, Wm. Coghill, Robert A. Mayo, and Thomas Bass, for permitting their slaves to go at large, were dismissed. Rules were awarded against John H. F. Mayo, George E. Bond, and Thomas J. T. Talbott, to show cause why they should not be fined for permitting their slaves to go at large; which rules are to be returnable to the next term. The court adjourned for the term yesterday. Judge Lyons will commence his term on Monday next.