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fight had commenced on the Peninsula. We have heard that General Mansfield lately sent a message to General Magruder, giving him notice to evacuate his position within ten days, and that the latter, in reply, defied him to come out and attempt to drive him away. Until we receive a confirmation of the report circulated yesterday, we shall hesitate to believe that any engagement has yet taken place. According to the latest Federal advices, Mansfield had gone to take command at Hatteras, and Wool had returned to Fortress Monroe. We lean from a private letter that on Sunday last an order from General Magruder was read in the several camps, announcing the receipt of positive information that the enemy had lately landed 70 rifled cannon and 500 artillery horses at Fortress Monroe; that he placed the utmost confidence in the patriotism of his troops, and was satisfied of their determination to resist any attack; and that under the circumstances no more furloughs would be granted unti
se. A short time afterwards a number of wagons drew up in front of the prison, when the roll was called, the wagons occupied, and after a short time reached the wharf of the steamer Northumberland, upon which they embarked. What they saw on the route. The steamer soon got under way, and after steaming all night, reached her destination, a few miles above Newport News, and there blew off steam and awaited the arrival of the steamer Express, which, according to an arrangement with General Wool, was to appear at that point. The Express soon arrived, when the party were carefully removed upon mattresses to the main deck, anxious once more to behold the flag of their country. The steamer soon departed, and the sick and wounded cheered in the most enthusiastic manner, delighted with the idea of soon reaching their homes and receiving the affectionate attention of their relatives and friends. Although but few hours of the trip were made in daylight, yet the party state that they