Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hampton (Virginia, United States) or search for Hampton (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The Safe arrival of our Ministers at Havana Enthusiastic Reception — presentation of flags to the steamer and to Hampton's Legion — the return of the Theodora, &c. Augusta, Oct. 31. --The Charleston Mercury of this morning, furnishes an interesting account of the departure of the Ministers of the Confederate States from that port, and the return of the steamer Theodora. The party, consisting of Hon. J. M. Mason, Minister to England; Hon. John Slidell, Minister to Franceon on the 11th inst. They arrived at Nassau that night, at Cardenas on the 16th, and Havana on the 17th, where they were enthusiastically received. The ladies of Havana presented to the steamer a flag, and the ladies of Matanzas sent a flag to Hampton's Legion. The Theodora returned to the Confederacy with a valuable cargo. She reports that the steamer Keystone State had captured and gone to New York with a Southern steamer loaded with arms and ammunition: Capt. S. J. Short, of the
l of these old hulks will fully repay the cost and trouble of raising them from the bed of the river. A splendid sword, of Richmond manufacture, was presented, yesterday, to Lieutenant J. Jett, of the Norfolk county Riflemen. The presentation took place at the navy-yard. The addresses on the occasion were patriotic and appropriate. Two ladies of this city are engaged in the commendable work of soliciting funds in behalf of those persons who were formerly residents of the town of Hampton, and who, having been driven from their homes by the Yankee intruders upon Virginia soil, leaving their property at the mercy of the Hessians, are, many of them, in destitute circumstances. On Thursday evening a series of tableau vivants, representing a succession of beautiful scenes, will be given at the Opera House the proceeds to be appropriated in behalf of the First regiment of the Maryland Volunteers, now quartered at Manassas. This enterprise will no doubt be encouraged by our