Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Andy Johnson or search for Andy Johnson in all documents.

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From Cumberland Gap. the condition of Kentucky--the traitors of Kentucky--Brownlow's Pious teachings — Capture of Yankees — Andy Johnson's prisoners, &c. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Cumberland Gap, Nov. 23, 1861. As the soldier bends his steps to the top of one of the lofty peaks of the Cumberends who have come into their milder to throw off the yoke of oppression and bondage.-- Grateful and noble disciples of Brownlow !--Worthy scholars of Maynard and Johnson !-- May some thunderbolt, red-hot with the wrath of an offended God, blast these traitors in their deeds of infamy and crime ! Upon whose head rests the responsib at Wild Cat, were captured yesterday by our cavalrymen; it is thought they are spies, although they represent themselves as deserters. The "kittens" say that Andy Johnson promised them twenty-one dollars a month in gold and silver, but a "devil of a bit" have they seen. Most of the Kentucky army is composed of troops from Penns