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passage of a law to legalize the small notes issued by the Corporation. Present; Messrs. Saunders, Crutchfield, Grattan, Burr, Griffin, Wynne, Stokes, Eppes, and Scott. Mr. Grattan presented the following, which was adopted: The Convention having declined to act on the memorial of the Council, asking that body to legalsented to the General Assembly. Mr. Grattan presented an Ordinance to enforce the payment of taxes on licenses; which was read three times and passed. Mr. Scott offered a resolution for the appointment of a committee to inquire into the expediency of publishing the proceedings of the Council officially. Adopted. Mr. g the proceedings of the Council officially. Adopted. Mr. Scott also offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing an inquiry into the expediency of increasing the day police, and of providing the officers with some badge by which they may be readily distinguished by strangers and others. The Council then adjourned.
The Daily Dispatch: November 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], Mr. Russell's letters to the London times. (search)
tates, or they cannot hold their own against the bold and enterprising Confederates. The money is flowing now to the extent of some $1,000,000 a day or more — that is, the notes are; for Mr. Chase, to the immense delight of the New York bankers, has left several millions of loan in their vaults, on which they have been drawing their interest since the date of the first instalment. The Treasury notes are now regularly in circulation, and are rather liked than other wise, and, as General Scott pointed out, they are found to be convenient by the soldiers, who were formerly paid in gold exclusively, and had difficulty in transmitting their pay to their friends at home, as there is no system of money orders known to the post-offices of this country. October 20th.--Gen. McClellan--in some perplexity, probably in reference to the course to be adopted towards such an elastic enemy, who gives way before pressure only to spring out when it is removed, or to spread out into some n
The Daily Dispatch: November 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], Mr. Russell's letters to the London times. (search)
demonstrations so as to detain him in the valley of Winchester." He made the demonstration, and on the 16th, the day General Scott said he would attack Manassas, he drove the enemy's pickets into his entrenchments at Winchester, and on the 17th marampaign by defeat, closing his telegram thus: "If wrong, let me be instructed." But no instructions came. On the 17th, Gen. Scott telegraphed: "McDowell's first day's work has driven the enemy beyond Fairfax Court-House. To morrow the Junction willd the work of General Patterson's column had been done. On the 18th, at half-past 1 in the morning, he telegraphed Gen. Scott the condition of the enemy's force and his own, referring to the letter of the 10 h formula information, and closed theed no reply. He expected to be attacked where he was, and if Manassas was not to be attacked on that day, as stated in Gen. Scott's dispatches of the day previous, he ought to have been ordered down forth with to join in the battle, and the attack d