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Cuba (Cuba) (search for this): article 1
assed their high tariff, the North showed its enterprise by putting up cotton mills, and it was not for some years after (1828) that the North voted for protection. Then Mr. Calhoun, in 1832, wanted to kill the bantling he had created in 1816, and because he could not succeed, started his hell-born nullification cry, which was so summarily stopped by General Jackson. --What was the Mexican war but a Southern institution to get new slave lands? What were the filibustering expeditions against Cuba but Southern institutions? Where did Lopez hail from? Where Walker? Where did Lynch law, the bowie-knife, and the duellist originate but in the South? Is not repudiation purely a Southern institution? Who was it that showed their sympathies against England in the Russian war but the entire Democratic party, which for forty years has been a Southern institution? The Whigs were with England, but the Democrats cheered the Russian arms. These are all Southern institutions, and certainly ne
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
ed in their presence, and they wished to get rid of them. That lay at the bottom of the war, and the encroachments of the Crown were only pleaded as an after- thought, and an apology for a foregone conclusion. The South, on the contrary, had nothing to complain of. Virginia, especially, was always highly favored by the Crown, and her people complained of no oppression. She took up arms in a cause which was not hers; so did North Carolina, so did South Carolina, so did Georgia, and so did Maryland. These States had felt none of the grievances of which the Yankees complained. They were well satisfied with their condition; but they determined to stand by the Yankees in their struggle with the vast power and unbounded resources of Great Britain, come of it what might. One of these States--South Carolina, said as much when she joined the Confederacy and all the others, if they did not say so, yet acted from the same motive. Southern troops were present in every important battle fough
New England (United States) (search for this): article 1
but a Southern institution? Was not the embargo act and the war of 812 itself a Southern institution? The whole North was against it, and the Hartford Conventioneers, to this day, are subjects of derision by the Southerners for the sympathy New England showed for Old England. [Hear, and cheers.] What was the high Tariff act, the twenty- five cents a yard duty on cotton, of 1816, but a Southern institution? All New England voted against Mr. Calhoun's American system. It was the same in 182New England voted against Mr. Calhoun's American system. It was the same in 1820 and 1824; but the South having passed their high tariff, the North showed its enterprise by putting up cotton mills, and it was not for some years after (1828) that the North voted for protection. Then Mr. Calhoun, in 1832, wanted to kill the bantling he had created in 1816, and because he could not succeed, started his hell-born nullification cry, which was so summarily stopped by General Jackson. --What was the Mexican war but a Southern institution to get new slave lands? What were the f
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ish; they felt rebuked in their presence, and they wished to get rid of them. That lay at the bottom of the war, and the encroachments of the Crown were only pleaded as an after- thought, and an apology for a foregone conclusion. The South, on the contrary, had nothing to complain of. Virginia, especially, was always highly favored by the Crown, and her people complained of no oppression. She took up arms in a cause which was not hers; so did North Carolina, so did South Carolina, so did Georgia, and so did Maryland. These States had felt none of the grievances of which the Yankees complained. They were well satisfied with their condition; but they determined to stand by the Yankees in their struggle with the vast power and unbounded resources of Great Britain, come of it what might. One of these States--South Carolina, said as much when she joined the Confederacy and all the others, if they did not say so, yet acted from the same motive. Southern troops were present in every i
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 1
almost nothing of them. Most unfortunately for our standing, they judge us from the specimens they see of the Yankees. It is not wonderful, then, that they should regard us as a port, prying, vulgar, impudent, upstart generates, all sharper, and all meanness, caring about nothing but the almighty dollar, and threating their pretensions, with an utter disregard of good breeding, in the faces of everybody they meet. For such is the Yankee, and as such he is known and despised, from St. Petersburg to Grand Cairo. Barnum, in his portraiture of himself, has given a full-length picture of the whole race. He is its representative in all its disgusting peculiarities. It is hard that Southern gentlemen should be judged by such a standard; but it was inevitable, in the absence of all knowledge with respect to them. It is natural, that not only the English, but all other nations, should detest the whole race of Yankees, as the English and all other nations most unquestionably do.
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
The South, on the contrary, had nothing to complain of. Virginia, especially, was always highly favored by the Crown, and her people complained of no oppression. She took up arms in a cause which was not hers; so did North Carolina, so did South Carolina, so did Georgia, and so did Maryland. These States had felt none of the grievances of which the Yankees complained. They were well satisfied with their condition; but they determined to stand by the Yankees in their struggle with the vast power and unbounded resources of Great Britain, come of it what might. One of these States--South Carolina, said as much when she joined the Confederacy and all the others, if they did not say so, yet acted from the same motive. Southern troops were present in every important battle fought during the war in the Northern States. It was exactly the reverse when the war was transferred to Southern ground. Here the Yankee would not come. We had to fight it out ourselves, and we wonder Mr. Train
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
he Yankees. They bated and envied the English; they felt rebuked in their presence, and they wished to get rid of them. That lay at the bottom of the war, and the encroachments of the Crown were only pleaded as an after- thought, and an apology for a foregone conclusion. The South, on the contrary, had nothing to complain of. Virginia, especially, was always highly favored by the Crown, and her people complained of no oppression. She took up arms in a cause which was not hers; so did North Carolina, so did South Carolina, so did Georgia, and so did Maryland. These States had felt none of the grievances of which the Yankees complained. They were well satisfied with their condition; but they determined to stand by the Yankees in their struggle with the vast power and unbounded resources of Great Britain, come of it what might. One of these States--South Carolina, said as much when she joined the Confederacy and all the others, if they did not say so, yet acted from the same motive
United States (United States) (search for this): article 1
reception we gave her son. [Loud cheers.] "All this was in the North; but when he crossed the border into the slave country, he hastened away quickly, for fear of repeated insult! Yes, gentlemen, it was in the Capital of the so-called Confederate States--Richmond — that the Prince of Wales feared the action of the mob, and saw for the first time that he was not welcome in the land where once his ancestors ruled. [Hear, and true.] Knowing, then, that all these acts of violence and hostilitter, the Times, never had the magnanimity to retract. How, indeed, could such a sheet as the Times be expected to retract any lie which it had suited its purpose to publish? If there is still any animosity existing between what was once the United States and England, the Yankees are at the bottom of it all. The Southern people have, directly, had but little intercourse with England. The English know almost nothing of them. Most unfortunately for our standing, they judge us from the specimen
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 1
wished a wider field for the display of their abilities than was afforded by a country governed by another country three thousand miles off, and through the hatred which the Yankees always have entertained, and will always entertain, towards Great Britain. The Stamp Act and the duty on tea, and the principle they involved, were nothing to the Yankees. They bated and envied the English; they felt rebuked in their presence, and they wished to get rid of them. That lay at the bottom of the waryland. These States had felt none of the grievances of which the Yankees complained. They were well satisfied with their condition; but they determined to stand by the Yankees in their struggle with the vast power and unbounded resources of Great Britain, come of it what might. One of these States--South Carolina, said as much when she joined the Confederacy and all the others, if they did not say so, yet acted from the same motive. Southern troops were present in every important battle fou
Canada (Canada) (search for this): article 1
gratiate itself with the nation that offered it, by pointing to it, as Train does, with exultation. While Train was on the subject of tariffs, he ought to have mentioned that of 1832, as a specimen of Yankee love for old England, and that of 1861, as another specimen. But it was needless, England, as long as she was at war with this country, was always a subject of eulogy with the Yankees. Ever since she has been an object of undying hair Who was it but Yankees, that filibustered upon Canada in 1843? By whom have those eternal tirades against England, that we meet with in the New York papers, been invited? To what quarter of the country do the Herald, and Times, and Tribune belong? It was in the second of these papers that the lie with regard to the Prince of Wales having been the object of insult in this city was published — a lie, which although proved to be such by testimony of the most respectable character, the Times, never had the magnanimity to retract. How, indee
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