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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 18, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Fort Taylor (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 9
In the meantime the forries leading from Brownsville to Matamoras were put under military surveillance, and communication between the right and left bank of the Rio Grande could only be had by written passports from Lieut. Col. Buchel, of Fort Brown, and from the authorities of Matamoras. Sentinels were stationed on the boats, and the line of communication was entirely broken, as the prudence of Lieut. Colonel Buchel dictated that but few of our citizens should be permitted to mingle in tiver at a late hour last night. It is stated that considerable carnage has taken place on both sides, and that the Rojas have applied to Lieut-Col. Buchel, for privilege to bring their wounded on this side of the Rio Grande Col. Buchel, Major Gray and other officers of Fort Brown have acted with the greatest discretion during the continuance of the fight, and so far no bad blood has been stirred up on our side. Both parties claim the chances of success at the hour of going to press.
Brownsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 9
vajal having moved his camp nearer to town. The assault was commenced with a lively charge upon the upper end of the city, in the neighborhood of the cemetery, the assaulting column being led by Commanders Pena, Aldrete and Manso. Citizens of Brownsville who heard the assault, state that it sounded as if three thousand muskets had all exploded at once. In the midst of this terrible rattle of musketry, the advancing column shouted with enthusiastic gusto, "Viva Pena!" "Viva Trivino!" --"Viva Caravajal! " The response of the citizens of Matamoras rolled back over the roar of battle, "Viva Garcia !" "Viva Capistran !" "Death to the Traitors !" In the meantime the forries leading from Brownsville to Matamoras were put under military surveillance, and communication between the right and left bank of the Rio Grande could only be had by written passports from Lieut. Col. Buchel, of Fort Brown, and from the authorities of Matamoras. Sentinels were stationed on the boats, and the li
Tampico (Tamaulipas, Mexico) (search for this): article 9
Gen. Caravajal, as our readers will remember, appeared in front of Matamoras at the head of the State troops, on Wednesday the 15th inst., and the people of the town at once raised the black flag, with an inscription upon it that no communication would be held with the assailants. Caravajal then pitched his camp at a farm about five miles from Matamoras, and set about perfecting his plan of attack and drilling and arming his forces. On Friday, Gen. Garcia, who was supposed to be in Tampico, suddenly marched into Matamoras at the head of a troop variously estimated at from 150 to 600 cavalry. His presence seemed to infuse confidence at once, for the population, which was flying to this side of the river, at once set back to Matamoras; and the people in the city began fortifying the city in the most secure manner. Barricades were built across the streets leading out of the main plaza, or public square, and forts were hastily thrown up at many places three or four squares
Freeport (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 9
tch a glance of the exciting tragedy being played to the shouting actors in our neighboring city. The greatest crowds were gathered in front of the ferry and at Freeport. Gen. Maravajal's headquarters, on his first entry into the city of Matamoras, were made at a frame house just opposite the Freeport ferry. At that point harily in expectation of an order to charge. Gen. Caravajal, in his first entry into the city, hailed some of our citizens on the Texas side of the river, at Freeport, and informed them that he intended to rake the town or dis in the attempt — that he had an adequate force already in action, and that he had fourteen hundred frsailants back towards the river. In this contest the defenders of the town presaged their sally by throwing a few bombshells into Caravajal's quarters, opposite Freeport; and having created something of a confusion among the Rojas, they made the successful sally. The contester approached so near the river that their death-dealin
Matamoras (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 9
Important from the Rio Grande. Matamoras attacked by cordial — the fight still going on —ead of the Rejos party, attacked the city of Matamoras on the morning of the 20th, at about 3 o'clo readers will remember, appeared in front of Matamoras at the head of the State troops, on Wednesdahed his camp at a farm about five miles from Matamoras, and set about perfecting his plan of attackosed to be in Tampico, suddenly marched into Matamoras at the head of a troop variously estimated a this side of the river, at once set back to Matamoras; and the people in the city began fortifyingCaravajal! " The response of the citizens of Matamoras rolled back over the roar of battle, "Viva Gtime the forries leading from Brownsville to Matamoras were put under military surveillance, and co, of Fort Brown, and from the authorities of Matamoras. Sentinels were stationed on the boats, anduarters, on his first entry into the city of Matamoras, were made at a frame house just opposite th
... 41 42 43 44 45 46