Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. B. Johnson or search for J. B. Johnson in all documents.

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[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch]Incendiarism in Carroll county. Hillsville,Carroll, Co, Va, Dec. 21 Last night, about one o'clock, fire was discovered in a law office adjoining a block of storehouses; and the man who fired the house was seen to run from there by the time the alarm was given. The fire had got under such headway that it could not be stopped. Messrs J. B. Johnson's, James Early's, and C. G. Elliott's storehouses, were laid in ashes. The contents were mostly saved. Had it not been for the masterly exertions of the citizens half of our village would have been consumed. We think the villain has been arrested-a man by the name of Stitwell, a native of this county, but for the last four years he has been in Ohio. His trial has not come off yet. F
tle of Alleghany Mountain — winter"Comforts" of our troops--General Loring's special order. Our correspondent "T. S.," to whom we are indebted for a graphic description of the battle of Alleghany Mountain, heretofore published, writes from Col. Johnson's camp, under date of 17th inst., that "our victory was, indeed, a brilliant one, and probably the hardest fought battle of the war. The enemy's loss was very severe, and although they carried off many wagon loads of dead and wounded, and leftfer being sent to some point where we could purchase necessary supplies, and were under marching orders, but the conflict of the 13th has changed the order, and we will probably now have to winter on Alleghany. The congratulatory order of Col. Johnson to his troops has already been published, and we have now received the following, issued by Gen.Loring, on the day after the fight. Hdqrs. Army of N. W.,Staunton, Va.,December 14, 1861. Order No. O.--The General commanding learns, wit