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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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Joseph W. Joiner (search for this): article 1
Miscellaneous. --Capt. Z. S. Magruder's company, the Henrico Light Dragoons, left Petersburg at 3 P. M. yesterday, for Garysburg, N. C. The balance of Wise's cavalry have orders to follow them. The police arrested Jos. W. Joiner, a soldier, yesterday, for firing a ball through the window glass of E. D. Eacho's office, and one through the window of Jno. N. Gordon's store, on 14th street. Brook Dunnavant, a soldier, was arrested for riotous conduct and abusing the officer of police, near the corner of 12th street, yesterday. About one o'clock yesterday morning, a soldier named Holmes, belonging to an Alabama regiment, beat a brother soldier very badly with a club. Parties who saw the transaction took the offender before General Winder, who turned him over to the civil authorities, by whom he was ordered to the county jail. There arrived on yesterday, all the way from Texas, two of the Federal Lieutenants captured by Gen. Van Dorn in the early part of the presen
Daniel Magee (search for this): article 1
'clock yesterday morning, a soldier named Holmes, belonging to an Alabama regiment, beat a brother soldier very badly with a club. Parties who saw the transaction took the offender before General Winder, who turned him over to the civil authorities, by whom he was ordered to the county jail. There arrived on yesterday, all the way from Texas, two of the Federal Lieutenants captured by Gen. Van Dorn in the early part of the present war. They are to be sent North from this place. Daniel Magee, a sober and staid member of Company I, 1st Maryland regiment, who had received his pay and bounty money, met, at an early hour yesterday morning, three soldiers that he thinks were Louisiana soldiers. He was enticed by them to the York River Depot, where he was most inhumanely beaten and robbed of all his money. Some of his comrades, in passing yesterday morning at an early hour, accidentally discovered and conveyed him to the hospital. A Mississippi soldier was quite severely sta
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 1
al Winder, who turned him over to the civil authorities, by whom he was ordered to the county jail. There arrived on yesterday, all the way from Texas, two of the Federal Lieutenants captured by Gen. Van Dorn in the early part of the present war. They are to be sent North from this place. Daniel Magee, a sober and staid member of Company I, 1st Maryland regiment, who had received his pay and bounty money, met, at an early hour yesterday morning, three soldiers that he thinks were Louisiana soldiers. He was enticed by them to the York River Depot, where he was most inhumanely beaten and robbed of all his money. Some of his comrades, in passing yesterday morning at an early hour, accidentally discovered and conveyed him to the hospital. A Mississippi soldier was quite severely stabbed about the shoulders last night, about 7 o'clock, at the corner of Main and 14th sts, and also badly bruised about the face by some unknown ruffians. He was found by several gentlemen, who
Garysburg (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
Miscellaneous. --Capt. Z. S. Magruder's company, the Henrico Light Dragoons, left Petersburg at 3 P. M. yesterday, for Garysburg, N. C. The balance of Wise's cavalry have orders to follow them. The police arrested Jos. W. Joiner, a soldier, yesterday, for firing a ball through the window glass of E. D. Eacho's office, and one through the window of Jno. N. Gordon's store, on 14th street. Brook Dunnavant, a soldier, was arrested for riotous conduct and abusing the officer of police, near the corner of 12th street, yesterday. About one o'clock yesterday morning, a soldier named Holmes, belonging to an Alabama regiment, beat a brother soldier very badly with a club. Parties who saw the transaction took the offender before General Winder, who turned him over to the civil authorities, by whom he was ordered to the county jail. There arrived on yesterday, all the way from Texas, two of the Federal Lieutenants captured by Gen. Van Dorn in the early part of the presen
John Brown (search for this): article 1
8a55 per dozen. Stock of all kinds very light. Lime — Mountain unslacked, $1.75 to $2.25 per bbl.; according to quantity. Molasses — New Orleans, 90a95 cents; golden syrups (Richmond) 85 cents. Nails — Old Dominion, 10a11 cents. Offal (mill)--Bran, 20 cents; shorts, 25 cents. Brownstuffs, 30 cents; shipstuffs, 70 cents. Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50 a$2 per gallon. Cats — We quote 85 cents per bushel, and scarce. Rye — 90a$1.10 per bushel. Sugars — Brown, 14a15 cents per lb.; coffee, 15½a19 cents; crushed, 23 to 25 cts. salt — Sales by the sack at $25 for ground alum; fine, $37. 50a$40 per sack. Seeds — There are no stocks of clover or timothy. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb. tobacco.--Sales of the week show that there it brisk demand in the market, and a decided improvement in prices. We quote Lugs at $3.75 to $4.50; Leaf $5.75 to $10. No prime offering. All now sold is old Tobacco. Tallow — 15a1
illegality, prices continue high, and we give the approximate quotations below. The animation heretofore noticed in the tobacco market continues, though we have no change to report in prices. Cats are advancing, and in demand. The sugar market is excited in consequence of apprehended interruptions of transportation in Tennessee; and under a speculative inquiry prices have an advancing tendency. Apples — Very high and scarce; we quote Pippins $10a12 per bbl.; other kinds, $8a10. Bacon — Stock light and firm at 23 to 25 for hog round; Hams, 23a25 cents per lb. Butter — Common, 30a33; fair to good, 33 to 37; choice, 42 cents. Bread — Navy, 4 cents; Pilot, 5 cents; Butter and Soda, 8 cents per lb. Cement — James River, $2 50a3.00 per bbl. coffee-- Rio, 75 cents per lb.; supply nearly exhausted. Candles — Adamantine, 75a80 cents; Tallow, 22a26 cents. cotton--9½a10 cents per lb. cotton Yarns--None. Candlewick, 50 cents per lb. corn — We conti
pound. Cattle market. Cattle — The sales at the scales the past week amount to 332 head — prices ranging from $4.25 to $6.50 gross. Good quality in demand at better price. Supply rather light. Sheep — Supply light. Extra quality, $8 to $9 gross. Hogs — In demand at $13.50 to $14 net. Money matters. Gold — We quote buying and selling extremes at 23 to 28 cents premium, and silver 15 to 20 Bank notes — Nearly all Southern Bank notes are taken on deposit by our Banks.--We note the following as rejected for the want of arrangement to make them current at Bank: Georgia--City Bank, Augusta; Mechanics' Bank, do; Bank of Augusta; Augusta Insurance and Banking Company; all 1 percent. discount; and Bank of the Empire State, Rome, Ga., and Northwestern Bank, Ringgold, Ga., 2 per cent. discount. North Carolina--Bank of Lexington; Bank of Clarendon; Bank of Commerce, Newbern; Bank of Fayetteville, and Bank of Washington, all 1 per cent. discount.
25 cts. salt — Sales by the sack at $25 for ground alum; fine, $37. 50a$40 per sack. Seeds — There are no stocks of clover or timothy. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb. tobacco.--Sales of the week show that there it brisk demand in the market, and a decided improvement in prices. We quote Lugs at $3.75 to $4.50; Leaf $5.75 to $10. No prime offering. All now sold is old Tobacco. Tallow — 15a15½ cents per lb. wheat — We quote red $1.25a$1.30; white $1.30 a 1.35. Wool.--Mark firm, and arrivals light 90 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle market. Cattle — The sales at the scales the past week amount to 332 head — prices ranging from $4.25 to $6.50 gross. Good quality in demand at better price. Supply rather light. Sheep — Supply light. Extra quality, $8 to $9 gross. Hogs — In demand at $13.50 to $14 net. Money matters. Gold — We quote buying and selling extremes at 23 to 28 cents premium, and silver 15 to 20 Bank not
on, 10a11 cents. Offal (mill)--Bran, 20 cents; shorts, 25 cents. Brownstuffs, 30 cents; shipstuffs, 70 cents. Oil — Tanners', $1.12a1.50; machine, $1.50 a$2 per gallon. Cats — We quote 85 cents per bushel, and scarce. Rye — 90a$1.10 per bushel. Sugars — Brown, 14a15 cents per lb.; coffee, 15½a19 cents; crushed, 23 to 25 cts. salt — Sales by the sack at $25 for ground alum; fine, $37. 50a$40 per sack. Seeds — There are no stocks of clover or timothy. Soda — Best English, 35a40 cents per lb. tobacco.--Sales of the week show that there it brisk demand in the market, and a decided improvement in prices. We quote Lugs at $3.75 to $4.50; Leaf $5.75 to $10. No prime offering. All now sold is old Tobacco. Tallow — 15a15½ cents per lb. wheat — We quote red $1.25a$1.30; white $1.30 a 1.35. Wool.--Mark firm, and arrivals light 90 a 95 cents per pound. Cattle market. Cattle — The sales at the scales the past week amount to 332 hea
hended interruptions of transportation in Tennessee; and under a speculative inquiry prices have an advancing tendency. Apples — Very high and scarce; we quote Pippins $10a12 per bbl.; other kinds, $8a10. Bacon — Stock light and firm at 23 to 25 for hog round; Hams, 23a25 cents per lb. Butter — Common, 30a33; fair to good, 33 to 37; choice, 42 cents. Bread — Navy, 4 cents; Pilot, 5 cents; Butter and Soda, 8 cents per lb. Cement — James River, $2 50a3.00 per bbl. coffee-- Rio, 75 cents per lb.; supply nearly exhausted. Candles — Adamantine, 75a80 cents; Tallow, 22a26 cents. cotton--9½a10 cents per lb. cotton Yarns--None. Candlewick, 50 cents per lb. corn — We continue to quote 85 cents per bushel. corn Meal--$1a1.05 per bushel. Cheese — The limited lots of Country Dairy 35 cents per lb. Dried Fruit--Peaches, unpeeled, $3.00 to 3.50; Pealed, $6.00a6.50; Apples, $2.00 per bushel. Forage — Timothy, $1.75a$2; Clover, $1.60 a$1
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