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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 15 total hits in 5 results.

Custom house (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 9
d by the General Assembly Tuesday last. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the 21 section of the 22d chapter of the Code be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: 1."The following persons only shall be exempt from the performance of all military duties, to wit: the Vice President of the Confederate States; the officers, judicial and executive, of the Government or the Confederate States; the members of both House of Congress and the Clerk of each House; all Custom House officers; the Lieutenant Governor; all the members of the General Assembly during the term for which they were elected or appointed; the Secretary of the Commonwealth and his clerks; the Clerks of the House of Delegates and Senate; the Judges of the Court of Appeals and Circuit Courts, the Clerk of each of said Courts, and of each County and Corporation Court; Judge of Hustings Court; the Sheriff of each county and the Sergeant and Collector of Taxes of each corporation having a Hustings
United States (United States) (search for this): article 9
as to read as follows: 1."The following persons only shall be exempt from the performance of all military duties, to wit: the Vice President of the Confederate States; the officers, judicial and executive, of the Government or the Confederate States; the members of both House of Congress and the Clerk of each House; all CConfederate States; the members of both House of Congress and the Clerk of each House; all Custom House officers; the Lieutenant Governor; all the members of the General Assembly during the term for which they were elected or appointed; the Secretary of the Commonwealth and his clerks; the Clerks of the House of Delegates and Senate; the Judges of the Court of Appeals and Circuit Courts, the Clerk of each of said Courts,ermaster, or Assistant Quarter master, whether said Commissary or Assistant Commissary, or Quartermaster or Assistant Quartermaster be in the service of the Confederate States or of this State, or by reason of his holding any office of commission in the militia, and whenever any militia officer is drafted for active service, his c
ion, was passed by the General Assembly Tuesday last. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the 21 section of the 22d chapter of the Code be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: 1."The following persons only shall be exempt from the performance of all military duties, to wit: the Vice President of the Confederate States; the officers, judicial and executive, of the Government or the Confederate States; the members of both House of Congress and the Clerk of each House; all Custom House officers; the Lieutenant Governor; all the members of the General Assembly during the term for which they were elected or appointed; the Secretary of the Commonwealth and his clerks; the Clerks of the House of Delegates and Senate; the Judges of the Court of Appeals and Circuit Courts, the Clerk of each of said Courts, and of each County and Corporation Court; Judge of Hustings Court; the Sheriff of each county and the Sergeant and Collector of Taxes of each corporation hav
Collector (search for this): article 9
spitals, Lunatic Asylums, and the regular nurses and attendants therein; and the Teachers employed in the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind; one Physician to every two thousand population, to be elected by the board hereafter constituted the President, the General Superintendent and two Local Superintendents of the Southern Telegraph, Companies, in no case to exceed four persons; the President and Superintendent of Transportation of each Railroad; the President, Secretary, and chief Collector of each Canal company. No one shall be exempt from draft by reason of his being an agent of a Commissary or Assistant Commissary, or Quartermaster, or Assistant Quarter master, whether said Commissary or Assistant Commissary, or Quartermaster or Assistant Quartermaster be in the service of the Confederate States or of this State, or by reason of his holding any office of commission in the militia, and whenever any militia officer is drafted for active service, his commission shall be v
February 8th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 9
the circuit court shall act; or the Governor may designate any three justices of the county or corporation, who shall constitute the board, and appoint their own clerk. 4. The board shall have cognizance of all questions of exemption, and shall adjudge the sufficiency of the excuse given by any person, who, by reason of his failure to report his name for enrollment, as required by the act entitled an act for ascertaining and enrolling the military force of the Commonwealth, passed February 8th, 1862, may have been enrolled among the drafted Leyes as prescribed in said act. For punishing contempts and compelling the attendance of witnesses, the board shall have the powers of a county court. 5. In no case shall the board grant a discharge upon a claim of exemption for bodily infirmity, unless at least two physicians of respectable standing, being duly sworn, shall prove before said board that the bodily infirmity is of a permanent character, and is such as will disqualify the cl