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lutions. He was prepared to demonstrate by developments, that neither of the heads of these departments were competent for the positions they held. Mr. Gartrell, of Ga, suggested that both resolutions be laid upon the table, to be referred to an appropriate committee. When that committee should report, be would be prepared to act. He was not disheartened by our reverses, but advocated calmness, deliberation and investigation, and then hold all parties responsible for any thing improper in the management of the war. He called for the question upon his motion to lay the resolutions upon the table. Mr. Faven, of Virginia, moved to lay the resolutions on the table to be made the order of the day for Tuesday next. The resolution of Mr. Foote and the substitute of Mr. Thipp were Mr. Curry submitted a resolution that the House adjourn fill 11½ o'clock to-morrow, to meet in this ball to participate in the ceremonies of inauguration. Adopted, and the Mouse adjourned.