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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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to the jail to let the keeper know what was in progress Mr. Hall hastened with all speed the rear of the jail, and passing into the room under the "work house," used as a coal-house, found there, in the act of getting through, the grating, the lock of which had been broken, a man named Francis Osgood, lately consigned to the jail for committing a highway robbery on John Driggers, and Alabama soldier, and Wm., N. Miller, the bogus volunteer Colonel, who succeeded in December last in swindling King & Lambeth, of this city, out of $700, by forgery and false representations. --Orgood, a burly ruffian, surrendered at discretion, but the doughty "Colonel," evinced a desire to go through at all hazards til brought to reason by the presentation of navy revolver. Being conducted to their cells, an examination was held into the extent of the injury inflicted on the jail by the "birds" who had loosed the bars of their cage. It was found that the prisoners had cut through one of the planks of c
John Williams (search for this): article 1
bama soldier of money; Andrew Sullivan, lately convicted of shooting a soldier near the Central depot, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary; Calvin Henry, indicted for stabbing a negro with an oyster knife; Wm. Clarke; a Yankee deserter, lately convicted of grand larceny, and awaiting a two years residence in the penitentiary; Joseph Wagner, charged with shooting a soldier, and awaiting trial; J. Fritz Kreibel, the murderer of Philip Sautter, whose arrest was lately chronicled; John Williams, charged with robbing a boarder at the Columbian Hotel, and Joseph Keller, the precocious lad who robbed. Dove's apothecary store — making, in all, nine as unmistakable scamps as could be picked up in a day's walk. The plan of escape was judiciously conceived and expeditiously carried out. In justice to the jailor, we may state that on Friday last all of the cells (and especially the one from which the parties above named escaped) were examined by workmen and reported all right. The e
to two years in the penitentiary; Calvin Henry, indicted for stabbing a negro with an oyster knife; Wm. Clarke; a Yankee deserter, lately convicted of grand larceny, and awaiting a two years residence in the penitentiary; Joseph Wagner, charged with shooting a soldier, and awaiting trial; J. Fritz Kreibel, the murderer of Philip Sautter, whose arrest was lately chronicled; John Williams, charged with robbing a boarder at the Columbian Hotel, and Joseph Keller, the precocious lad who robbed. Dove's apothecary store — making, in all, nine as unmistakable scamps as could be picked up in a day's walk. The plan of escape was judiciously conceived and expeditiously carried out. In justice to the jailor, we may state that on Friday last all of the cells (and especially the one from which the parties above named escaped) were examined by workmen and reported all right. The escape, in this instance, was after the prisoners had been served with breakfast, the event being postponed, no doubt,
N. Miller (search for this): article 1
chers engaged at the Lancastrian school,) saw the fugacious rogues, and sent over to the jail to let the keeper know what was in progress Mr. Hall hastened with all speed the rear of the jail, and passing into the room under the "work house," used as a coal-house, found there, in the act of getting through, the grating, the lock of which had been broken, a man named Francis Osgood, lately consigned to the jail for committing a highway robbery on John Driggers, and Alabama soldier, and Wm., N. Miller, the bogus volunteer Colonel, who succeeded in December last in swindling King & Lambeth, of this city, out of $700, by forgery and false representations. --Orgood, a burly ruffian, surrendered at discretion, but the doughty "Colonel," evinced a desire to go through at all hazards til brought to reason by the presentation of navy revolver. Being conducted to their cells, an examination was held into the extent of the injury inflicted on the jail by the "birds" who had loosed the bars of t
William Clarke (search for this): article 1
oyed at the school-house on Marshall street, whose timely monition enabled the jailor to preserve the remainder of the rascals entrusted to his care. We append a list of those who succeeded in getting off — viz: Jas. Elmore and Taswell Corr, jointly charged with robbing an Alabama soldier of money; Andrew Sullivan, lately convicted of shooting a soldier near the Central depot, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary; Calvin Henry, indicted for stabbing a negro with an oyster knife; Wm. Clarke; a Yankee deserter, lately convicted of grand larceny, and awaiting a two years residence in the penitentiary; Joseph Wagner, charged with shooting a soldier, and awaiting trial; J. Fritz Kreibel, the murderer of Philip Sautter, whose arrest was lately chronicled; John Williams, charged with robbing a boarder at the Columbian Hotel, and Joseph Keller, the precocious lad who robbed. Dove's apothecary store — making, in all, nine as unmistakable scamps as could be picked up in a day's walk.
ail to let the keeper know what was in progress Mr. Hall hastened with all speed the rear of the jail, and passing into the room under the "work house," used as a coal-house, found there, in the act of getting through, the grating, the lock of which had been broken, a man named Francis Osgood, lately consigned to the jail for committing a highway robbery on John Driggers, and Alabama soldier, and Wm., N. Miller, the bogus volunteer Colonel, who succeeded in December last in swindling King & Lambeth, of this city, out of $700, by forgery and false representations. --Orgood, a burly ruffian, surrendered at discretion, but the doughty "Colonel," evinced a desire to go through at all hazards til brought to reason by the presentation of navy revolver. Being conducted to their cells, an examination was held into the extent of the injury inflicted on the jail by the "birds" who had loosed the bars of their cage. It was found that the prisoners had cut through one of the planks of cell No.
Andrew Sullivan (search for this): article 1
ip of men of the same kidney as themselves. As intimated previously, the exodus would have been greater had not the movements of the levanting felons attracted the observation of a lady employed at the school-house on Marshall street, whose timely monition enabled the jailor to preserve the remainder of the rascals entrusted to his care. We append a list of those who succeeded in getting off — viz: Jas. Elmore and Taswell Corr, jointly charged with robbing an Alabama soldier of money; Andrew Sullivan, lately convicted of shooting a soldier near the Central depot, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary; Calvin Henry, indicted for stabbing a negro with an oyster knife; Wm. Clarke; a Yankee deserter, lately convicted of grand larceny, and awaiting a two years residence in the penitentiary; Joseph Wagner, charged with shooting a soldier, and awaiting trial; J. Fritz Kreibel, the murderer of Philip Sautter, whose arrest was lately chronicled; John Williams, charged with robbing a
Joseph Keller (search for this): article 1
dier near the Central depot, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary; Calvin Henry, indicted for stabbing a negro with an oyster knife; Wm. Clarke; a Yankee deserter, lately convicted of grand larceny, and awaiting a two years residence in the penitentiary; Joseph Wagner, charged with shooting a soldier, and awaiting trial; J. Fritz Kreibel, the murderer of Philip Sautter, whose arrest was lately chronicled; John Williams, charged with robbing a boarder at the Columbian Hotel, and Joseph Keller, the precocious lad who robbed. Dove's apothecary store — making, in all, nine as unmistakable scamps as could be picked up in a day's walk. The plan of escape was judiciously conceived and expeditiously carried out. In justice to the jailor, we may state that on Friday last all of the cells (and especially the one from which the parties above named escaped) were examined by workmen and reported all right. The escape, in this instance, was after the prisoners had been served with brea
Calvin Henry (search for this): article 1
of the levanting felons attracted the observation of a lady employed at the school-house on Marshall street, whose timely monition enabled the jailor to preserve the remainder of the rascals entrusted to his care. We append a list of those who succeeded in getting off — viz: Jas. Elmore and Taswell Corr, jointly charged with robbing an Alabama soldier of money; Andrew Sullivan, lately convicted of shooting a soldier near the Central depot, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary; Calvin Henry, indicted for stabbing a negro with an oyster knife; Wm. Clarke; a Yankee deserter, lately convicted of grand larceny, and awaiting a two years residence in the penitentiary; Joseph Wagner, charged with shooting a soldier, and awaiting trial; J. Fritz Kreibel, the murderer of Philip Sautter, whose arrest was lately chronicled; John Williams, charged with robbing a boarder at the Columbian Hotel, and Joseph Keller, the precocious lad who robbed. Dove's apothecary store — making, in all, n
James Elmore (search for this): article 1
he overseer of the city hands, and all of them soon scattered to the congenial companionship of men of the same kidney as themselves. As intimated previously, the exodus would have been greater had not the movements of the levanting felons attracted the observation of a lady employed at the school-house on Marshall street, whose timely monition enabled the jailor to preserve the remainder of the rascals entrusted to his care. We append a list of those who succeeded in getting off — viz: Jas. Elmore and Taswell Corr, jointly charged with robbing an Alabama soldier of money; Andrew Sullivan, lately convicted of shooting a soldier near the Central depot, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary; Calvin Henry, indicted for stabbing a negro with an oyster knife; Wm. Clarke; a Yankee deserter, lately convicted of grand larceny, and awaiting a two years residence in the penitentiary; Joseph Wagner, charged with shooting a soldier, and awaiting trial; J. Fritz Kreibel, the murderer of
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