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The Daily Dispatch: February 28, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 28, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lezarus W. Powell or search for Lezarus W. Powell in all documents.

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The Federal Congress. From a report of the proceedings in the Federal Congress on Thursday, the 20th February we extract the following: Senate--Mr. Wilkinson of Minnesota, (Ren,) offered the following resolution: Whereas, Lezarus W. Powell, after several States had severed themselves from the Union, on the 20th of June inst. attended a large Southern States rights' Convention, and was President thereof, and when resolutions were passed approving the neutrality of Kentucky and denouncing the war, and also attended another Convention on the 10th of September, where more resolutions were passed of the same import; and said Powell had given all aid and comfort to the enemy he could from the position he occupied: Therefore. Resolved, That said Lezarus W. Powell he expelled from the Senate. Referred to the Committee of the Judiciary. Mr. Fessenden, of Maine, (Rep.,) from the Committee on Finance, reported back the Appropriation bill. Mr. Sherman, of Ohi