Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 28, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Thomas Shields or search for Thomas Shields in all documents.

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been fractured by a bottle, which fracture caused his death. It appears from the evidence that the deceased and Thomas Shields were "on a considerable of a buss," and drank very freely; went to Metropolitan Hall, and after the performance was over, Henry N. Gittings invited them to his room — upper-part of No. 84; Mr. Shields dropped into a chair and went to sleep, while Hamilton held on to the foot of the bed and appeared to do the same thing. Soon after, a bottle was thrown which strucim out of the window. A man named Ganney, who was in the bed, then got up, and Gittings put Hamilton on it, and ejected Shields from the room. Several bottles and other articles were then thrown. After Shields was put out, Gatewood got Gittings bShields was put out, Gatewood got Gittings by the beard and threw him over a trunk and held him down, when Gittings drew a pocket-knife and out Gatewood on the back of the hand. Several persons were in the room at the time. The second bottle that was thrown cut Gittings on the forehead.