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The Daily Dispatch: April 5, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 5, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. E. Goode or search for J. E. Goode in all documents.

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House of Representatives. Friday, April 4, 1862. The House convened at 11 o'clock, and its session was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Moore, of the Presbyterian Church. Journal of yesterday read. Mr. Goode, of Va., stated that his colleague, Mr. Holcombe, had been called home on urgent business, and he asked leave of absence for him; which was granted by the House. Mr. Baldwin, of Va., asked leave to present a memorial; which, without being read, was appropriately referred. Mr. Miles, of S. C., moved that the resolution offered by him several days ago, to allow the Military and Naval Committees to report at any time during the open session, be taken up and considered. The motion prevailed, and the resolution was taken up and agreed to. The Speaker announced that the question before the House was the unfinished business of yesterday, viz: The Arkansas contested election case. Mr. Smith, of Va., being entitled to the floor, addressed the House a