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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 22, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McClernand or search for McClernand in all documents.

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ground more tenaciously. The firing aroused McClernand's division. At first they supposed it to beaking, merely from the location of the camp, McClernand did not belong to the front line at all. Twoehind Sherman. But as the latter fell back, McClernand had to bear the shock of battle. His diThen, as Sherman's other brigades fell back, McClernand's moved up and engaged the enemy in support.ad taken part of Waterhouse's battery, which McClernand had sent them over. Bear's battery, too, way after the surprise. As Sherman fell back, McClernand was compelled to bring in his brigades againming in farther out on the road, and turning McClernand's right. Prompt to seize the advantage, a b the same regiment, was wounded; three of Gen. McClernand's staff--Major Schwartz, Major Stewart, apossession of all Sherman's, Prentiss's, and McClernand's camps. By ten o'clock our whole front, exd army; Hurlburt coming next to McCook, then McClernand, and Sherman closing the gap between McClern[7 more...]