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The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1862., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 24, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Ruggles or search for Gen Ruggles in all documents.

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An incident. --The following incident is related as having occurred on the battle field of Shiloh. It appears that our commanding Generals were short of battle flags, and that some of the brigades were compelled to dispense with this necessary appendage. As all the brigades and divisions were placed in battle array with their battle flags, with the exception of Gen Ruggles's, he rode up to the General on whose staff he was, and asked the reason why he had none. Just at that moment a rainbow appeared, and the General, pointing to it with his sword, exclaimed. --"Behold my battle flag."--Lynchburg Republican.
derals, who construed them into a signal of some sort, and, accordingly. they fell back some distance during the night. This rendered it necessary for us to march that much farther before we came up to them. And thus the enemy escaped. Gen. Ruggles opened the attack, and Van Dorn and Price soon took up the tale. The army of the West, led by the heroes of Elkhorn, were principally engaged. The enemy ran so fast that Gen. Ruggles's division, after a few discharges, were unable to get witGen. Ruggles's division, after a few discharges, were unable to get within range of his flying columns. Indeed, it was a running fight from the moment the Federals learned we had attacked them in force. Possibly Gen. Pope had orders to retire in the event he was attacked, since one can hardly conceive how 20,000 fresh troops in position could fail to offer a stubborn resistance to even twice their own numbers.--And yet the wild confusion and disorder in which his troops fled — each man seeming to be concerned in taking care of himself alone — would preclude the i