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ng, and answering questions with an indifference almost amounting to stupidity. Jim, also under the medium height, black, about 18 years old, with a round and plump face. These were hired from Redwood & Keach, and belong to Mr. Chilton, of Lancaster, Va. Joshua, a boy about 16 years old, black, with large eyes, and hair closely shaved. Hired of Hector Davis, of Richmond. My own negroes had a variety of clothing, but will probably put on soldiers' old clothes, which have been very plenty of late near me. There is no sort of doubt they are aiming for the Yankee camps, and will probably attempt to cross the Chickahominy near Meadow Bridges. I will pay one hundred dollars each for the delivery to me, or for securing in any jail in Virginia so that I get them again, of Jeff. and Fox, and ten dollars each for Oscar and Jim, and am authorize by Mr. Davis, agent, to offer fifty dollars, in like manner, for Joshua. N. F. Bowe. Magnolia, June 24, 1862. je 25--3t*