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Marion County (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 10
n us. We call upon the whole people to rally to the support of the institutions as they came to us from the hands of our illustrious and venerated ancestors, and by conventions and public addresses that they appeal to the men in power to withhold their hands before, in the madness of party triumph, they destroy this most glorious fabric of human freedom, and cause the noblest institutions of the earth to go down into the dark night of an endless despotism." The Union Convention in Marion county, Ky., passed the following: "Resolved, That a change of that policy by the Government to a crusade against the peculiar institution of the South would be a fraud of the most heinous character, perpetrated by the Government on the loyal Southern States, as well as on the Union loving and conservative of the Northern States, who have united together in that great national ordeal through which we are now passing. We regard such a change of policy as ominous of the greatest national cala
Marion County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
Kentucky and the abolition War policy. The so-called "Union men" recently held conventions in Owen and Marion counties, Ky., and passed a series of resolutions, some of which we subjoin. While professing to oppose a policy on which the radical abolition party of the North are urging on this war, these Union men continue to lend their aid and countenance to the enemies of the South, and dare not raise a hand to strike down the monster which has bound their own limbs in chains, and now seeks to shackle a people who are freely pouring out their blood in the cause of liberty and independence. It is claimed, by some of the Western papers that the sentiment of these resolutions is the sentiment of the Democratic party at the North; but, except in a few individual instances, the whole experience of the war gives the lie to the assertion: "3. That the course of the radical men in Congress — the Sumners, the Wilsons, and the Lovejoys,--has a tendency to convert the glorious trium
C. A. Wickliffe (search for this): article 10
as a tendency to convert the glorious triumphs of the nation into barren victories, and that in the opinion of this meeting the measures proposed by these fanatical men are more dangerous to our institutions than all the mad efforts of armed rebels in conflict with the nation. We, therefore, denounce them as traitors, and their proposed legislation as the vilest of treason, and we endorse and applaud the patriotic efforts of our venerable and able Representative from this district, the Hon. C. A. Wickliffe, directed against their malignant and treasonable and revengeful legislation; and we also extend our hearty approbation to the entire Kentucky delegation in Congress, with the Hon. Garret Davis in the Senate, and we here avow that they truly represent the sentiments of the Union men of this State. "4. That the restoration of our glorious Union upon any other principles than those of the Constitution as it is, and the Government as it was, is utterly impossible. A consolidated
Garret Davis (search for this): article 10
nstitutions than all the mad efforts of armed rebels in conflict with the nation. We, therefore, denounce them as traitors, and their proposed legislation as the vilest of treason, and we endorse and applaud the patriotic efforts of our venerable and able Representative from this district, the Hon. C. A. Wickliffe, directed against their malignant and treasonable and revengeful legislation; and we also extend our hearty approbation to the entire Kentucky delegation in Congress, with the Hon. Garret Davis in the Senate, and we here avow that they truly represent the sentiments of the Union men of this State. "4. That the restoration of our glorious Union upon any other principles than those of the Constitution as it is, and the Government as it was, is utterly impossible. A consolidated Government might be formed, with a standing army to sustain it, and ruffian soldiery to execute its edicts, but not a free Government. And with all the energy with which we love our country, it