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d Capitol. It is understood that he is held as a hostage for the return of several Union citizens of Fredericksburg, held as prisoners by the Confederates. Rev. T. N. Conrad, who has recently been preaching for the Southern Methodist church, has been arrested by the Provost Marshal and sent to the Old Capitol prison. The charges against him are, holding communication with the enemy and attempting to get his scholars as recruits to the rebel army. B. Wheat, W. C. Taylor, and Dr. J. B. Johnson, were arrested in Alexandria last night, and have been brought hither. Several citizens of Fairfax county, arrested under Gen. Pope's orders, and taken to Springfield station, have been released. Considerable excitement exists in Alexandria and vicinity in consequence of these and kindred proceedings. The boat from Aquia creek has brought up over one hundred contrabands, who are principally from Caroline county, Va. Many of them have been away from their homes for a consider