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t of our line, of which the 1st and 2d brigades were a part. On Friday night they encamped the other side of the Rapidan, taking up the line of march early Saturday morning. They heard the sound of cannon about twelve o'clock, and came up with Gen. Ewell's division, which constituted the right, about 1 P. M. The engagement had already been opened by Ewell's artillery. The 2d brigade commanded by Lieut. Col. Garnett, was placed on the extreme left, and there held to await further orders. The cEwell's artillery. The 2d brigade commanded by Lieut. Col. Garnett, was placed on the extreme left, and there held to await further orders. The cannonade soon became very heavy, and regiments of the 2d, in marching to assume a position nearer the enemy, were compelled frequently to lay down to avoid the shell, which rained heavily among the ranks. They had scarcely reached their position when the enemy's line of battle advanced from the woods directly in front and about parallel with our line, and poured forth a most destructive infantry fire. Meanwhile Gen. Winder had been mortally wounded by a shell, and the command of the division
A. P. Hill (search for this): article 1
powered by numbers, and compelled to fall back on its supports, consisting of the Stonewall brigade and Ransom's North Carolina brigade. --The engagement then received a new impetus, and was continued with renewed vigor, when the division of Gen. A. P. Hill came up, and the enemy were driven back with immense loss of killed and wounded. Our forces pursued them to within two miles of Culpeper Court-House, where they remained for the night, Gen. Hill's division in front. The artillery firing waGen. Hill's division in front. The artillery firing was kept up till nearly 12 o'clock P. M. Officers who were in the fights below Richmond regard the engagement of Saturday as much more force and desperate than any that has yet occurred. Our casualties are very heavy, being estimated from 800 to 1,000 killed and wounded. The heaviest loss sustained is in the 2d brigade. The 21st Virginia regiment of that brigade, is thought to have suffered more severely than any other regiment. So great was the loss of field officers in the brigade, that
s H. H. Watkins, E. G. Tompkins. J. Porter Wren, Clarence E. Taylor, C. M. Redd, R. H. Gilliam. In the Purcell Battery, of Richmond, the casualties are as follows: Killed--Lieut. Mercer Featherston, Privates George Royall, and Strother Limerick. Wounded--Commissary Sergeant H. Crocket Eddins, in arm; Sergeant Skyrin Temple, slightly in side; William Tyler, thumb blown off; Stephen C. James, in foot; William Farrar, seriously in breast; John E. Jones, in thigh; J. L. Callahan, in hip;--Jenkins, in leg; C. Newcomer, in leg;--Font. This company, it will be remembered, suffered severely in the battles before Richmond. In the desperate struggle of the 2d brigade with an overwhelming force of the enemy, Lieutenant Brown, of company K, 21st regiment, was wounded, and when the brigade fell back left upon the field. When our forces recovered the position, Lieut. Brown called to an officer of the Irish battalion and asked for water, which was supplied him. Raising a little, he stat
0 o'clock P. M. Monday, we are placed in possession of further particulars with reference to the desperate fight at Southwest mountain on Saturday last. The fight was commenced by the 2d brigade, under the command of Col. Garnett, of the 48th Virginia regiment, who was wounded in the engagement. In the course of the fight, which was force and desperate, this brigade was completely overpowered by numbers, and compelled to fall back on its supports, consisting of the Stonewall brigade and Ransom's North Carolina brigade. --The engagement then received a new impetus, and was continued with renewed vigor, when the division of Gen. A. P. Hill came up, and the enemy were driven back with immense loss of killed and wounded. Our forces pursued them to within two miles of Culpeper Court-House, where they remained for the night, Gen. Hill's division in front. The artillery firing was kept up till nearly 12 o'clock P. M. Officers who were in the fights below Richmond regard the engagement
ious cruelty.--He at first wished to be carried from the field, but when the attempt was made, he was so much exhausted that he told the officer to let him remain where he was, as he had no hope of recovery. It is supposed that he died soon after. Gen. Jackson's official Dispatch. The following official dispatch from General Jackson was received at the Adjutant General's office yesterday: Headq'rs Valley District, August 11th, 6¼ A. M. Colonel --On the evening of the 9th instant God blessed our arms with another victory. The battle was near Cedar Run, about six miles from Culpeper Court-House. The enemy, according to the statements of prisoners, consisted of Banks's, McDowell's and Seigel's commands. We have over four hundred prisoners, including Brigadier-General Prince. Whilst our list of killed is less than that of the enemy, yet we have to mourn the loss of some of our best officers and men. Brig.-General Charles S. Winder was mortally wounded, whilst abl
R. H. Chilton (search for this): article 1
four hundred prisoners, including Brigadier-General Prince. Whilst our list of killed is less than that of the enemy, yet we have to mourn the loss of some of our best officers and men. Brig.-General Charles S. Winder was mortally wounded, whilst ably discharging his duty at the head of his command, which was the advance of the left wing of the army. We have collected about 1,500 small arms, and other ordnance stores. I am, Colonel, your obd't serv't, T. J. Jackson, Maj.-Gen'l. Col. R. H. Chilton, A. A. G. Additional particulars. We are enabled, through the politeness of another officer who participated in the battle, to lay before our readers some further incidents. Gen. Winder commanded the division which formed the left of our line, of which the 1st and 2d brigades were a part. On Friday night they encamped the other side of the Rapidan, taking up the line of march early Saturday morning. They heard the sound of cannon about twelve o'clock, and came up with G
T. J. Jackson (search for this): article 1
he officer to let him remain where he was, as he had no hope of recovery. It is supposed that he died soon after. Gen. Jackson's official Dispatch. The following official dispatch from General Jackson was received at the Adjutant General's oGeneral Jackson was received at the Adjutant General's office yesterday: Headq'rs Valley District, August 11th, 6¼ A. M. Colonel --On the evening of the 9th instant God blessed our arms with another victory. The battle was near Cedar Run, about six miles from Culpeper Court-House. The enem the army. We have collected about 1,500 small arms, and other ordnance stores. I am, Colonel, your obd't serv't, T. J. Jackson, Maj.-Gen'l. Col. R. H. Chilton, A. A. G. Additional particulars. We are enabled, through the politeness o took four stand of colors from the Yankees. On Sunday morning our forces were drawn up in line of battle, and as Gen. Jackson rode past, the cheers of the men were most enthusiastic. There was some firing early in the morning, but no engagemen
of recovery. It is supposed that he died soon after. Gen. Jackson's official Dispatch. The following official dispatch from General Jackson was received at the Adjutant General's office yesterday: Headq'rs Valley District, August 11th, 6¼ A. M. Colonel --On the evening of the 9th instant God blessed our arms with another victory. The battle was near Cedar Run, about six miles from Culpeper Court-House. The enemy, according to the statements of prisoners, consisted of Banks's, McDowell's and Seigel's commands. We have over four hundred prisoners, including Brigadier-General Prince. Whilst our list of killed is less than that of the enemy, yet we have to mourn the loss of some of our best officers and men. Brig.-General Charles S. Winder was mortally wounded, whilst ably discharging his duty at the head of his command, which was the advance of the left wing of the army. We have collected about 1,500 small arms, and other ordnance stores. I am, Colonel, your
Taliaferro (search for this): article 1
very heavy, and regiments of the 2d, in marching to assume a position nearer the enemy, were compelled frequently to lay down to avoid the shell, which rained heavily among the ranks. They had scarcely reached their position when the enemy's line of battle advanced from the woods directly in front and about parallel with our line, and poured forth a most destructive infantry fire. Meanwhile Gen. Winder had been mortally wounded by a shell, and the command of the division devolved upon Gen. Taliaferro. The enemy, by overpowering numbers, had nearly succeeded in turning our left flank, when, at this critical moment, the supports came up, and they were driven back in confusion. In the attack upon our centre the enemy met with still less success — they were not only repulsed, but driven back to their original position, which, by the time the musketry ceased, was occupied by our troops. The infantry firing closed about eight o'clock, but an effective cannonade was kept up until ne
nt of that brigade, is thought to have suffered more severely than any other regiment. So great was the loss of field officers in the brigade, that it is now commanded by Captain Leigh, of the Irish battalion. Company F, of this city, in the 21st regiment, went into the fight with eighteen men, only six of whom came out uninjured. We append a list of the casualties as far as they have been received: Killed--Lt.-Col. Richard H. Cunningham, of this city, commanding the 21st regiment; Major Lane, commanding the 42d regiment. We are indebted to Orderly Sergeant J. Childs for a telegraphic dispatch giving the casualties in Company F, of Richmond: Killed--Capt. Wm. H. Morgan, Corporal R. S. Lindsay; privates J. G. Powell and H. V. Anderson. Wounded — Serg't W. G. Pollard, (since dead,) Corporal J. N. Nunnally, (since dead;) privates H. H. Watkins, E. G. Tompkins. J. Porter Wren, Clarence E. Taylor, C. M. Redd, R. H. Gilliam. In the Purcell Battery, of Richmond, the casualt
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