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Found 9 total hits in 4 results.

Gainesville (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 3
Indian Troubles in Florida. --The balance at Jones's tribe of Seminole Indians in South Florida have been persuaded by the Yankees on the coast to commit all manner of depredations upon innocent and helpless men, women, and children, living near Charlie Popka, a branch of Pea's Creek, in South Florida. The Gainesville (Fla.) States says: "They, it is said, have murdered four families; and all who could make their escape are flying eagerly before the tomahawk of the barbarous marauders employed by a foe equally cancel. Now, there are two remedies; one is to make, if possible, a treaty of peace with these Indians; and, if that falls, the alternative is to raise five hundred Florida " boys," as some call them, to take these Indians out of Florida, sparing none to tell the tale. It is believed that they have about one hundred warriors. The chief object of the dollar-loving Yankees is to get the savages down in that portion of the State to murder as many as possible, and r
Peas Creek (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 3
Indian Troubles in Florida. --The balance at Jones's tribe of Seminole Indians in South Florida have been persuaded by the Yankees on the coast to commit all manner of depredations upon innocent and helpless men, women, and children, living near Charlie Popka, a branch of Pea's Creek, in South Florida. The Gainesville (Fla.) States says: "They, it is said, have murdered four families; and all who could make their escape are flying eagerly before the tomahawk of the barbarous marauders employed by a foe equally cancel. Now, there are two remedies; one is to make, if possible, a treaty of peace with these Indians; and, if that falls, the alternative is to raise five hundred Florida " boys," as some call them, to take these Indians out of Florida, sparing none to tell the tale. It is believed that they have about one hundred warriors. The chief object of the dollar-loving Yankees is to get the savages down in that portion of the State to murder as many as possible, and
Seminole Indians (search for this): article 3
Indian Troubles in Florida. --The balance at Jones's tribe of Seminole Indians in South Florida have been persuaded by the Yankees on the coast to commit all manner of depredations upon innocent and helpless men, women, and children, living near Charlie Popka, a branch of Pea's Creek, in South Florida. The Gainesville (Fla.) States says: "They, it is said, have murdered four families; and all who could make their escape are flying eagerly before the tomahawk of the barbarous marauders employed by a foe equally cancel. Now, there are two remedies; one is to make, if possible, a treaty of peace with these Indians; and, if that falls, the alternative is to raise five hundred Florida " boys," as some call them, to take these Indians out of Florida, sparing none to tell the tale. It is believed that they have about one hundred warriors. The chief object of the dollar-loving Yankees is to get the savages down in that portion of the State to murder as many as possible, and
Indian Troubles in Florida. --The balance at Jones's tribe of Seminole Indians in South Florida have been persuaded by the Yankees on the coast to commit all manner of depredations upon innocent and helpless men, women, and children, living near Charlie Popka, a branch of Pea's Creek, in South Florida. The Gainesville (Fla.) States says: "They, it is said, have murdered four families; and all who could make their escape are flying eagerly before the tomahawk of the barbarous marauders employed by a foe equally cancel. Now, there are two remedies; one is to make, if possible, a treaty of peace with these Indians; and, if that falls, the alternative is to raise five hundred Florida " boys," as some call them, to take these Indians out of Florida, sparing none to tell the tale. It is believed that they have about one hundred warriors. The chief object of the dollar-loving Yankees is to get the savages down in that portion of the State to murder as many as possible, and