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G. W. Smith (search for this): article 4
ss the Potomac and into Maryland without being once challenged; while, if they are challenged, they announce themselves as "deserters," take the oath — though even this is not always asked of them — and then hurry on to Baltimore, which is our chief post office. They have here in private circulation — though it may be a forgery — a phrenological chart of Gen. McClellan's character, made by Fowler and Wells, of New York, and which was given, they say by McClellan to his friend, Major-General G. W. Smith, whose health is now quite recovered, though at the expense of his mind, which will never be what it was. This written chart — such, dearest mother, as you had made of me when I came back last summer five years ago, from Miss--'s school — makes McClellan's lump of caution out-balance all the other qualities of his head, and they are making fun of it all the time, and of course most actively — those who wish to annoy me — when I am present. They have had this "chart" print
Garibaldi (search for this): article 4
mizzenmast had been destroyed. "the drafting Humbug." Under this caption the New York Mercury says: The drafting nuisance should be stopped forth with. In Connecticut the impressed men have all got off by bribing the physicians to give them certificates of disability. In Boston it has been stopped after two days trial; in other States it is the mere t farce in the world. There is no need of drafting while Switzerland begs us to use one hundred thousand of her sons, while Garibaldi offers us his sword and his brave legions, and while the slaves of the Secessionists are exempted from military service. If proper measures are taken the quota of a State can easily be filled up without a single impressed man. Let an effort be made to rid us of this nuisance. Beecher Changes his Opinion. A few weeks ago the notorious Henry Ward Beecher professed to believe that Lincoln's proclamation "would of itself almost end the war." He now declares it is like a ship frozen
Stonewall Jackson (search for this): article 4
was entitled to be treated with the courtesy due to a "prisoner of war!" and not vexed and vexed and ridiculed. But I assure you you can have no idea what confidence the people here have that this "chart" is correct, and so, whenever Lee or Jackson want to make McClellan stop anywhere or avoid a battle. They send off some "deserters." first to tell him they are in immense force, and any other odiousness they please; and then they get significant hints to the same effect, published in the town, and broke open the jail, took out the prisoner, hung him to a tree, fired sixteen ballets into the body, dragged it through the streets attached to the rope, cut it up, burned it, and concluded the ceremony by giving three cheers for Stonewall Jackson. The outrage committed by the prisoner was a horrible one, but the punishment was not such as should be inflicted in a civilized community. Burning of the ship Alleghenian. The tug Leslie has arrived at Fort Monroe, bringing the s
Edgar Plummer (search for this): article 4
as second lieutenants when they get back from Baltimore. You may fancy how these things annoy me. But I have nothing but annoyance now, though people here say there is no chance of another battle on the Potomac before next spring. Outrage and just punishment in Maryland. A letter from a correspondent at Denton, Maryland, gives the details of a terrible tragedy enacted at that place on Saturday last. A mulatto man named Jim Wilson had outraged and murdered a little daughter of Edgar Plummer, about eleven years of age, residing near Brighton, Caroline county, meeting her in the woods on her way from school. The perpetrator of this terrible outrage was arrested, confessed the deed, and committed to the Denton jail. The people of the surrounding country flocked to the town, and broke open the jail, took out the prisoner, hung him to a tree, fired sixteen ballets into the body, dragged it through the streets attached to the rope, cut it up, burned it, and concluded the ceremo
Pleasanton (search for this): article 4
Later from the North. The Northern papers, of the evening of the 4th, are received, but do not contain much of interest. The evening edition of the Baltimore American has a dispatch dated at Bloomfield, Va., November 3d, 7 P. M., which states that the advance of the Army of the Potomac up the Valley, on the left side of the Blue Ridge, is being pushed forward with all dispatch. The same dispatch says that "Gen. Pleasanton occupied Upperville this afternoon, after a spirited engagement with the enemy for about four hours. We had none killed, but several men were wounded. The enemy left three of their dead on the field. Upperville is only four miles from Ashby's Gap, which the rebels are endeavoring to hold." The American says that the Yankee army "is now ready and prepared to fight a general battle at any time and place where the enemy may see proper to meet them. It is in better condition to day then it ever has been, with the exception of a want of more cavalry."
t of poor Captain--'s death. How terrible for his sisters, and for poor Miss--, who, when I last saw her, showed me his carte de visite, and half confessed they were engaged, although neither the Commodore nor her aunt knew or suspected anything of the matter.--Every person here is in mourning except myself, and I only not so because I cannot find materials, and hope soon to be allowed to go North, as General — has half promised me passage under the next flag of truce, to some vessel of Admiral Dupont's squadron. Our little darling is sadly in need of shoes, her only present foot covering being little carpet slippers, with carpet soles, made by myself. They do very well while it is quite dry, but the least shower keeps her within doors, and she wears out nearly two pair each week, so that I am constantly busy. Of tea and other comforts we preserve only vague remembrances; but food, thank God, is becoming plentiful again, such as it is — wheat, chickens, corn, and pigs; and, althoug
Jim Wilson (search for this): article 4
s or corporals, I forget which — and are to be commissioned as second lieutenants when they get back from Baltimore. You may fancy how these things annoy me. But I have nothing but annoyance now, though people here say there is no chance of another battle on the Potomac before next spring. Outrage and just punishment in Maryland. A letter from a correspondent at Denton, Maryland, gives the details of a terrible tragedy enacted at that place on Saturday last. A mulatto man named Jim Wilson had outraged and murdered a little daughter of Edgar Plummer, about eleven years of age, residing near Brighton, Caroline county, meeting her in the woods on her way from school. The perpetrator of this terrible outrage was arrested, confessed the deed, and committed to the Denton jail. The people of the surrounding country flocked to the town, and broke open the jail, took out the prisoner, hung him to a tree, fired sixteen ballets into the body, dragged it through the streets attached
pared to fight a general battle at any time and place where the enemy may see proper to meet them. It is in better condition to day then it ever has been, with the exception of a want of more cavalry." Extract from the letter of a Loyal Lady, the "wife of a high rebel officer, to her mother." We find in the New York Times the following letter. The Times is very solicitous lest its authenticity should be doubted. This is genuine letter of "a loyal lady." We wonder how "horrid void" Sneed, of the Savannah Republican, relishes the allusion to himself! Savannah, Ga., U. S. A., October 11, 1862. Dear Mother --Your kind letter reached me, and would have given me an unmingled pleasure but for the announcement of poor Captain--'s death. How terrible for his sisters, and for poor Miss--, who, when I last saw her, showed me his carte de visite, and half confessed they were engaged, although neither the Commodore nor her aunt knew or suspected anything of the matter.--Ev
nd I can assure you that this mail runs regularly — the carriers many times getting across the Potomac and into Maryland without being once challenged; while, if they are challenged, they announce themselves as "deserters," take the oath — though even this is not always asked of them — and then hurry on to Baltimore, which is our chief post office. They have here in private circulation — though it may be a forgery — a phrenological chart of Gen. McClellan's character, made by Fowler and Wells, of New York, and which was given, they say by McClellan to his friend, Major-General G. W. Smith, whose health is now quite recovered, though at the expense of his mind, which will never be what it was. This written chart — such, dearest mother, as you had made of me when I came back last summer five years ago, from Miss--'s school — makes McClellan's lump of caution out-balance all the other qualities of his head, and they are making fun of it all the time, and of course most active
all that the rebellion has yet a sharp struggle before it, there is no longer any hope, as I sincerely wish there was, of its being starved into submission. You cannot think how bitterly the North is ridiculed here, and all my efforts to defend it only end in mortification and consciousness that those who think otherwise have the best of the argument. It is now the regular habit to send so called "deserters" into the Union lines along the Potomac, whenever we want to get a mail carried North. These "deserters," who are generally the bravest, sharpest and most unscrupulous enfants perdus in the rebel army, enter McClellan's lines, tell him just such stories as they have been told to take the oath, and are immediately dismissed. They then go to Baltimore, post their letters there get a return mail, and are back in Richmond within three or four days from the time of leaving the managers of this mail line of Baltimore. It is thus the — and--[Two papers are mentioned here, one pub
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