Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 13th or search for 13th in all documents.

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n the purport of the recent interview between Lord Lyons and Secretary Seward. The desire is not at present likely to be gratified, but enough is known to warrant the statement that nothing whatever of an official character has been received from England or any other European power indicating an intention to interfere with our political affairs in connection with a recognition of Southern independence. Alleged attack on Imboden. A dispatch of Gen. Wright, dated at Cincinnati on the 13th, says that Gen. Kelly; on the 10th inst., attacked Imboden's rebel camp, eighteen miles South of Moorefield, Hardy county, Va., routed him completely, killing and wounding many, and captured his camp with fifty prisoners and a quantity of arms, besides a large number of horses, cattle, hogs, wagons, &c. The enemy were entirely dispersed and fled to the mountains. A brother of Gen. Pillow captured. A few days since a Federal scouting party, engaged on the Mississippi side of the Miss