Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Buckingham or search for Buckingham in all documents.

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of October 9th, states that an iron clad war steamer, bearing the Confederate flag, and supposed to be the Ovieto, has been cruising off Cardenas for two or three weeks past, and is known to have made several prizes. Two other of their cruisers have also been seen hovering about the Bahamas. The following Major Generals are now without commands: Geo. B. McClellan, John C. Fremont, Geo. Cadwallader, Edwin D. Morgan, Irwin McDowell, Cassius M. Clay, Ethan A. Hitchcock, Fitz John Porter, and Gen. Harney. Gen. Butler, it is stated, will soon order a draft in New Orleans, to fill up vacancies in his several regiments. Thos H. Clay, a son of Henry Clay, has accepted the appointment of Minister to Nicaragua. Gov. Buckingham has called an extra session of the Legislature of Connecticut, to convene on the 9th of December. A petition is in circulation in the West asking the President to give Gen. John C. Fremont command of the forces of the Mississippi Valley.