Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for M'Clellan or search for M'Clellan in all documents.

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the other side of the river. The rebels will retire when our army moves up. Exciting reports touching rebel movements here, aborts may be sent forward, but the foregoing is the substance of our trust worthy reports. Our cavalry is doing good service. Col. Kennett, of the 4th Ohio cavalry, commanding the region about Hartsville, reports the capture of large quantities of rebel supplies, and that their foraging parties are skedaddling as rapidly as possible. Arrest of two of Gen. M'Clellan's staff officers. Lieutenant-Colonels A. P. Colburn and J. C. Dane, of the Engineer Corps, both belonging to the staff of General McClellan, were sent to Washington from Trenton, N. J., Friday morning, under arrest. Colburn, it will be recollected, swore he would never draw his sword for Lincoln again — The telegram communicating the fact of these arrests says: It is said that the orders were received by an officer of the United States army in this city, and that the persons n