Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Camden (Georgia, United States) or search for Camden (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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The Coast defence of Georgia --An Appeal from Gov. Brown to the Legislature--In view of the recent Yankee raid into Camden county, Ga., Col. Floyd, commanding there, has applied to the Governor of the State for authority to call out the local militia of the county for its defence. Instead of authorizing the calling out of the non-conscripts, Gov. Brown has made the application the subject of a message to the Legislature, in which he gives the Supreme Court of Georgia a blow for having decided in favor of the legality of the Conscript act. He says: Placed as I am in this embarrassing condition, when helpless innocence calls upon the State for protection, and when the Constitution of this State and the Confederate States seem to point clearly to the path of duty upon the one hand; but when the acts of Congress and the decision of our own Supreme Court, rendered under heavy outside pressure, and if not ex parte, under most peculiar circumstances; when the counsel on both side