Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for New Brunswick (Canada) or search for New Brunswick (Canada) in all documents.

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McClellan. The disgraced General, since his removal from his command, to propitiate the Demon, of Abolitionism, has been very cautions and very prudent in his conduct and sayings; but, with all his caution, he developed himself sufficiently the other day at Trenton to show to what side he belongs in the new organization of Northern parties. He said to delegations from Trenton, Newark, and New Brunswick: "While the army is fighting, you, as citizens, see that the war is prosecuted for the preservation of the Union and the Constitution, for your Nationality and your rights. This passage a quite significant, and when we consider the well known reserve and prudence of McClellan, is a strong warning to the Northern people that the Constitution is in peril, and they are about to lose their rights in the attempt to subjugate the South. The warning is quite enough to lose McClellan forever the favor of the Lincoln Government. It is a clear imputation upon that immaculate c