Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 18th or search for 18th in all documents.

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Brilliant Affair at Lexington, Tenn. Chattanooga, Dec. 23. --A special dispatch to the Rebel, from Tuscumbia, Dec. 23d, says: A gentleman arrived here to-day with the corpse of his brother, killed in a fight at Lexington Tennessee, says General Forrest attacked and routed the Federal there on the 18th, capturing a battery, horses and all, and 400 prisoners, 500 carbines, 200 horses, several hundred saddles, and a considerable amount of commissary stores. The citizens reported the enemy 5,000 strong, mostly new recruits. Our loss very trifling. A man here says the Yankees had returned from Okolona.
Wanted. --Information wanted of my servant girl Frances, the property of Miss Shiens, of King George co., Va., and hired by me or Mr. Sagby about the end of August. Said girl is about 5 feet high, light gingerbread color, short crisp hair, and slow in her movements. For any information concerning her I will pay a liberal reward. This girl left my premises on the 18th inst. H. D. Callihan, de 24--1t* Elm st., Sidney, near Flankroad.
Latest from the North. The New York World of the 18th and 19th instant, has some interesting Northern accounts, of which we make some extracts. A letter from Fredericksburg, dated the 16th, says the army of the Potomac has no idea of repeating the attempt of Saturday, as it is believed impossible to drive the rebels from that position. A second effort was warmly urged by several of the Generals, but fighting "Joe Hooker" contended that it would be more folly, unless a night attack could be successfully carried out. The terrible loss in the Second Army Corps will appal the public, says the writer, and yet in the summary I sent you to night I put it a thousand less than its commander does. Hancock lost over half his command, and he feels deeply the fate of his noble men. Caldwell, Meagher, and Zook, who led brigades, did their work well. Before going into action Meagher addressed his brigade, exhorting them to stand firm, and promising them that he would share with th