Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for December 17th or search for December 17th in all documents.

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nd will be made by Burnside's army at present, and that it will go into winter quarters because it can do nothing else. Dispatch from Burnside. Washington. Dec. 17. --The following dispatch from Gen Burnside was received here last evening: Hdq'rs Army of Potomac, Dec. 18, P. M. Major Gen. Halleck Commander The United States San Jacinto had been at Point Petre only a few days before, and had sailed for St. Thomas. Wool Relieved of his command. Washington. Dec. 17. --The President has signed the order relieving General Wool from the command at Baltimore. General Schenck has been appointed his successor. The Yank November bound up the river DePlata. The Captain of the Gertrude reported the burning of several whalers by the Alabama. From Fortress Monroe. Old Point Dec. 17. --It is rumored here that J. C. Jones, Charles Davis. D. W. Curtis, Mr. Phillips, and one other, have been captured by the rebels while on their way from