Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Occoquan River (Virginia, United States) or search for Occoquan River (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Another haul upon the Yankees. On Saturday morning last a detachment of the cavalry of Gen. Wade Hampton under the command of the General in person, made a rich haul on a Yankee train in the neighborhood of Occoquan. They captured a train of wagons, twenty seven in number, laden with the choicest articles for the gay Christmas season. Many of the articles captured were Isbelled "Christmas presents for Gen. Burnside," and consisted of fine brandies, cigars, and wines, and indeed everything calculated to elevate the fallen spirits of the Yankee chieftain. Besides these there was a good supply of sutter's stores, embracing boots and shoes, gauntlets, and nearly every other article necessary for the comfort of man during the cold season. In addition, one hundred and seventy Yankees who were guarding the train were made prisoners, and arrived in this city yesterday. The also captured the notorious John C. Underwood, who has been acting as a pilot for the Yankees since the war