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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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that Grant in hauling water for his troops from the High Black, a distance of eight miles. His mounted siege guns opened fire to-night. The fire was incesgam, our columbiade replying, with a proclamation to the world of the invincible spirit which animates our troops in the works, and that "Vicksburg never surrenders." All eyes are turned towards Kirby Smith, on whose movements depend, perhaps, the fate of Port Hudson and Vicksburg. A private letter from Clinton, La, dated 8th inst., says that Port Hudson has been exposed to a tremendous fire from the enemy's fleet for the past ten days. The Essex and two other gunboats were so badly damaged that they withdrew from the attack. Incessant firing was heard at Vicksburg this morning. Five prisoners, captured by our cavalry yesterday at Edwards's Depot, arrived here this morning. They belong to the 3d lows cavalry. [third Dispatch.] Jackson, June 12. --The heavy firing at Vicksburg continues. Last
ne 10. --Memphis papers, of the 6th, say that Grant is mounting heavy rifled Parrot guns. His parallels are within 350 yards of ours. The Memphis Bulletin says that Grant's sharpshooters command the rebel works. No rebel dare show his head above the paraffin. Sherman commands the right, McPherson the centre, and McClernand the left. The advanced regiments are relieved by fresh troops daily. A Northern dispatch says that Hanter's troops have sailed from Port Royal to reinforce Banks. Nothing further from Port Hudson. But little firing at Vicksburg to-day. It has been raining hard all day. Jackson's cavalry and a skirmish with the enemy at Edwards's Depot. The enemy retired. Our loss was two killed. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, June 11. --Our scouts from the vicinity of Vicksburg report that Grant in hauling water for his troops from the High Black, a distance of eight miles. His mounted siege guns opened fire to-night. The fire was in
of Vicksburg report that Grant in hauling water for his troops from the High Black, a distance of eight miles. His mounted siege guns opened fire to-night. The fire was incesgam, our columbiade replying, with a proclamation to the world of the invincible spirit which animates our troops in the works, and that "Vicksburg never surrenders." All eyes are turned towards Kirby Smith, on whose movements depend, perhaps, the fate of Port Hudson and Vicksburg. A private letter from Clinton, La, dated 8th inst., says that Port Hudson has been exposed to a tremendous fire from the enemy's fleet for the past ten days. The Essex and two other gunboats were so badly damaged that they withdrew from the attack. Incessant firing was heard at Vicksburg this morning. Five prisoners, captured by our cavalry yesterday at Edwards's Depot, arrived here this morning. They belong to the 3d lows cavalry. [third Dispatch.] Jackson, June 12. --The heavy firing at Vicksbu
June 10th (search for this): article 1
From Vicksburg and Port Houses. Progress of the siege — heavy firing at both places — gunboats Jackson, June 10. --Memphis papers, of the 6th, say that Grant is mounting heavy rifled Parrot guns. His parallels are within 350 yards of ours. The Memphis Bulletin says that Grant's sharpshooters command the rebel works. No rebel dare show his head above the paraffin. Sherman commands the right, McPherson the centre, and McClernand the left. The advanced regiments are relieved by fresh troops daily. A Northern dispatch says that Hanter's troops have sailed from Port Royal to reinforce Banks. Nothing further from Port Hudson. But little firing at Vicksburg to-day. It has been raining hard all day. Jackson's cavalry and a skirmish with the enemy at Edwards's Depot. The enemy retired. Our loss was two killed. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, June 11. --Our scouts from the vicinity of Vicksburg report that Grant in hauling water for
June 12th (search for this): article 1
prisoners, captured by our cavalry yesterday at Edwards's Depot, arrived here this morning. They belong to the 3d lows cavalry. [third Dispatch.] Jackson, June 12. --The heavy firing at Vicksburg continues. Last night it was heavier than any that has yet been heard. The weather is clean and warm. The thermometer indicates 90 degrees. The Yankees have evacuated Clinton. Jackson burned a portion of Clinton. [Fourth Dispatch.] Jackson, June 12. --An officer who left Vicksburg Wednesday night (10th) reports all working well. The garrison was in fine spirits and well supplied with provisions. So far but little damage has hat, having encountered Jackson, they have abandoned the idea of attempting another raid. The weather is exceedingly warm. [other dispatches.] Summit, June 12. --Nothing reliable from Port Hudson. Firing was heard night before last. Mobile, June 12.--A special dispatch to the Tribune, dated Jackson, 11th, sa
June 13th (search for this): article 1
ay. It is thought that, having encountered Jackson, they have abandoned the idea of attempting another raid. The weather is exceedingly warm. [other dispatches.] Summit, June 12. --Nothing reliable from Port Hudson. Firing was heard night before last. Mobile, June 12.--A special dispatch to the Tribune, dated Jackson, 11th, says: The latest news from Port Hudson is that the bombardment was continued. There is nothing definite from either Vicksburg or Port Hudson. The Vicksburg correspondent of the Times adverts to Grant's loss as "tremendous," and cires, as an instance, the fact that an Indiana regiment went in nine hundred strong, and came out with a Lieut. Colonel and fifteen men. The same correspondent says that a Federal brigade was repulsed at the Big Black by Gen. Johnston. Summit, June 13.--Passengers from Ponchatoula say that they heard heavy firing at Port Hudson. The gunboat Essex is reported captured and several gunboats disabled.
urned a portion of Clinton. [Fourth Dispatch.] Jackson, June 12. --An officer who left Vicksburg Wednesday night (10th) reports all working well. The garrison was in fine spirits and well supplied with provisions. So far but little damage has been done by the enemy's fire. The total loss of the garrison since the commencement of the siege will not exceed five hundred. Grant is still "pegging away" from his parallels. No mischief has been done so far. Rumors of Magruder marching on New Orleans are current, but they are not credited in official circles. No firing has been heard this afternoon.--Nothing has been seen of the enemy's cavalry since the skirmish yesterday. It is thought that, having encountered Jackson, they have abandoned the idea of attempting another raid. The weather is exceedingly warm. [other dispatches.] Summit, June 12. --Nothing reliable from Port Hudson. Firing was heard night before last. Mobile, June 12.
t both places — gunboats Jackson, June 10. --Memphis papers, of the 6th, say that Grant is mounting heavy rifled Parrot guns. His parallels are within 350 yards of ours. The Memphis Bulletin says that Grant's sharpshooters command the rebel works. No rebel dare show his head above the paraffin. Sherman commands the right, McPherson the centre, and McClernand the left. Theond Dispatch.] Jackson, June 11. --Our scouts from the vicinity of Vicksburg report that Grant in hauling water for his troops from the High Black, a distance of eight miles. His mountedotal loss of the garrison since the commencement of the siege will not exceed five hundred. Grant is still "pegging away" from his parallels. No mischief has been done so far. Rumors of Mainite from either Vicksburg or Port Hudson. The Vicksburg correspondent of the Times adverts to Grant's loss as "tremendous," and cires, as an instance, the fact that an Indiana regiment went in nin
y. It is thought that, having encountered Jackson, they have abandoned the idea of attempting another raid. The weather is exceedingly warm. [other dispatches.] Summit, June 12. --Nothing reliable from Port Hudson. Firing was heard night before last. Mobile, June 12.--A special dispatch to the Tribune, dated Jackson, 11th, says: The latest news from Port Hudson is that the bombardment was continued. There is nothing definite from either Vicksburg or Port Hudson. The Vicksburg correspondent of the Times adverts to Grant's loss as "tremendous," and cires, as an instance, the fact that an Indiana regiment went in nine hundred strong, and came out with a Lieut. Colonel and fifteen men. The same correspondent says that a Federal brigade was repulsed at the Big Black by Gen. Johnston. Summit, June 13.--Passengers from Ponchatoula say that they heard heavy firing at Port Hudson. The gunboat Essex is reported captured and several gunboats disabled.
McClernand (search for this): article 1
From Vicksburg and Port Houses. Progress of the siege — heavy firing at both places — gunboats Jackson, June 10. --Memphis papers, of the 6th, say that Grant is mounting heavy rifled Parrot guns. His parallels are within 350 yards of ours. The Memphis Bulletin says that Grant's sharpshooters command the rebel works. No rebel dare show his head above the paraffin. Sherman commands the right, McPherson the centre, and McClernand the left. The advanced regiments are relieved by fresh troops daily. A Northern dispatch says that Hanter's troops have sailed from Port Royal to reinforce Banks. Nothing further from Port Hudson. But little firing at Vicksburg to-day. It has been raining hard all day. Jackson's cavalry and a skirmish with the enemy at Edwards's Depot. The enemy retired. Our loss was two killed. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, June 11. --Our scouts from the vicinity of Vicksburg report that Grant in hauling water for h
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