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nt by and saw him. It happened that the officer who was guarding him was the same who had searched our house and arrested brother. He was cursing the poor old negro dreadfully; said he ought to have a ball on his neck and one on both arms. The old fellow went on splitting, saying all the time, "Bless de Lord, Massa, any where you can put it. You can kill de body, but you can't kill de soul, and when dat gets to heaven it will be secesh yet." Brother called to the officer and said, "Halloa, Grant, is that what you call free dom? " Mother and John Godfrey M. were standing on the steps laughing and talking. --Just at the moment some little children were laughing and making fun of the Yankees, Gen. Clusara passed by and thought mother and John were laughing at him with the children, and took them both up to headquarters, where they were kept for several hours. So you see we were not allowed even to laugh. A lady went to Gen. Milroy and asked for a pass to go over the lines. He sa
The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource], Review of the campaign against Vicksburg (search)
ace, and evacuated it on the 16th. On the 22d Gen. Pemberton gave battle at Baker's Creek. His forces fell back, and the attack was renewed on the 23d at Big Black Bridge. They were again forced to retire, losing a number of guns. On the 24th Grant laid siege to Vicksburg, and on the 29th made an assault on the works, and was repulsed every time with immense slaughter. On the 30th of May he renewed the assault, with the same success. On the 31st his troops refused to renew the assault, annd by sieges and parallels has at present gotten within three hundred yards of our outer works and mounted siege pieces, with which he has opened fire, but without doing any damage so far. Our loss in the series of attacks is about six thousand. Grant's present force does not exceed sixty thousand, notwithstanding heavy reinforcements have reached him. Numbers have been swept off by sickness and desertion. No fears are felt with regard to the subsisting of our garrison. The following is a st