Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jackson or search for Jackson in all documents.

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er, 18th Va, Co. R. do P. F. Bell, 12th Va. Co. E do; Stuart's do; D L Prince, White's bat'n, Co. A, Gordonsville; Corp L W Green. 1st N C, Co. D, Charlet; as ride; John Jenkins, 9th Va, Co. K, Charlet; Lones Cobb's Logion, Co. L, Charlet; Sort G R 9th Va Co. Charlet; Corp H Anderson, 9th Va, Co. M, Charlet; L C Hardy, 9th Va, Co. C, Charlet; Henry McCroan, Cobb's Legion, on F. Gordonsville, W Bryans, Cobb's Legion, Co. C, Charlottesville; E Bodges, 1st N C, Co. A, Charlet; H M Jackson, 1st E, C, Co. H, Charlet; T J His don, Cobb's Legion, Co. K, Charlet; J H 6th Va, Co. I Gordonsville; R F Eggleston. 2d Va, Co. D, Charlottesville; F J Allden, 5th Va, Co. A, Charlottesville; Benben Twitty, 8th Ga, Co. C, Gordonsville; W R Goodwin, Cobble Legion, Co. L, Charlottesville, J T Frooman. White's bat'n, Co. A, Gordonsville; N Mocre 6th Va, Co. D, Gordonsville; Serg J W Bonciberger, 8th Va, Co. d, Gordonsville; T J Smith, 4th Va, Co. H, Charlottesville; P Himme wright, 11th Va
The Daily Dispatch: June 18, 1863., [Electronic resource], Review of the campaign against Vicksburg (search)
Review of the campaign against Vicksburg The enemy landed seventy-five thousand strong at Grand Gulf on the 27th of April, and was attacked by Generals Bowen's, Gregg's, and Tracy's brigades, who fell back after a gallant resistance. The enemy then advanced in the direction of Jackson. Our forces fought them on the 12th and 13th of May, at Clinton and Mississippi Springs. The enemy occupied Jackson on the 14th, sacked the place, and evacuated it on the 16th. On the 22d Gen. Pemberton gave battle at Baker's Creek. His forces fell back, and the attack was renewed on the 23d at Big Black Bridge. They were again forced to retire, losing a number of guns. On the 24th Grant laid siege to Vicksburg, and on the 29th made an assault on the works, and was repulsed every time with immense slaughter. On the 30th of May he renewed the assault, with the same success. On the 31st his troops refused to renew the assault, and the idea of taking the place by storm was abandoned. He is n