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tire at all points behind their infantry supports. Intelligence having reached Gen. Stuart, who commanded in person in front of Beverley's ford, that the enemy were crossing with infantry and cavalry at Kelly's ford, some miles below, Brig. Gen. Robertson, whose pickets guarded that ford, was sent with his brigade in that direction. the enemy occupied his attention with a considerable force in front, and taking advantage of that circumstance made a flank movement by Carrico's mill, in the rtillery was captured--though at times the cannoneers fought the cavalry which charged them, with sword and pistol, in their defence. In this conflict Jones's brigade occupied the centre, moving directly upon the hill — Hampton's brigade, with Robertson advancing to his support, moved more upon the enemy's right flank and rear. The two former suffered heavily — the latter was only slightly engaged. The enemy were repulsed, fled in every direction, and only escaped capture and annihilation by